Search results

  1. L

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? I want a flamingo so bad. :) Also, Fire/Grass and Fire/Water, let's get it! :D Dunsparce and Farfetch'd gravely need evolutions. They just need that stat boost to become really good.
  2. L

    WB DNA :D

    WB DNA :D
  3. L

    XY Do you think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

    To be honest, I wouldn't mind too terribly at Cynthia being in the games. She's never bothered me all that much, except for that baby-eating Garchomp of hers. :( Plus, I get the feeling that she's going to be integrated as important in the series or something. Although, on the no more Cynthia...
  4. L

    XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

    I love Froakie and Chespin the most. They're so cute! ^.^ Personally though, I think that Fennekin's overrated. I just don't see the appeal of it. Oh, and $20 says Fire/Fighting. :)
  5. L

    Back. :)

    Back. :)
  6. L

    Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

    Depends who's asking, to be honest. I'll usually say yes, as I'm very open about playing it. Being on the Pokémon forum, however, I will not.
  7. L

    Something illegal, last I checked.

    Something illegal, last I checked.
  8. L

    Yes, yes indeed.

    Yes, yes indeed.
  9. L

    Oh, hey, I'm back.

    Oh, hey, I'm back.
  10. L

    Nothing much. I've been busy lately, though.

    Nothing much. I've been busy lately, though.
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    Don't have one. Squid. Don't have one. Lolcars.

    Don't have one. Squid. Don't have one. Lolcars.
  12. L

    Ehh, don't really like mainstream stuff. (Ironic, isn't it?)

    Ehh, don't really like mainstream stuff. (Ironic, isn't it?)
  13. L

    Reshiwott, Reshiwott, Reshiwott, Reshiwott.

    Reshiwott, Reshiwott, Reshiwott, Reshiwott.
  14. L

    Darkrai, even though it's not really my style.

    Darkrai, even though it's not really my style.
  15. L

    Writing A Maniac‘s Ravings (working on something new)

    RE: A Maniac‘s ravings Huh, nice poems. They don't have big words, so I can read them. :3 Nah, just kidding. You know how to write a nice poem! :>
  16. L

    Oh. :(

    Oh. :(
  17. L

    Rowing sounds pretty sweet.

    Rowing sounds pretty sweet.
  18. L

    I'm a black belt in mixed martial arts. I play Pokémon. Do those count? ;P

    I'm a black belt in mixed martial arts. I play Pokémon. Do those count? ;P
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  20. L

    Me, yay! ;P

    Me, yay! ;P