Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?


Cities format is going to be wacked.
I have been playing Pokemon for a while and a couple people have asked me if I do. I always say no. I can't believe I do this is just people make fun of people and I just dont want to be made fun of.
Why would anyone ask you if you play? If they ask you doesn't that mean they play probably too?

I have liked Pokémon on Facebook etc. and I'm open about it.
Why would you be embarrassed about doing something you like? Many of my friends know I play Pokemon, and they play it too. If someone makes fun of you for doing something as trivial as playing Pokemon, then you shouldn't even be friends with them in the first place.
If I am asked I will admit to it. Then I ask them if they are a member here. :p
There was a craze of people playing Pokemon on their phones about half a year ago in my school.
I hated every minute of it.

I'd admit to it but I'll try to subtly get across that I know much more than those idiots someone who has just picked it up.
ShadowLugia said:
Why would you be embarrassed about doing something you like? Many of my friends know I play Pokemon, and they play it too. If someone makes fun of you for doing something as trivial as playing Pokemon, then you shouldn't even be friends with them in the first place.

They are not my friends..
I would, and I would make them look silly for not playing it.
Dude, I openly have discussions with people in college about it, and don't give a crap WHAT they say. In fact, you'd be surprised how many people play, and how many conversations you can start with it. First year in college and I feel right at home! :D
If they ask, I will say it and say it loud. I care surprisingly little about what other people think about me. If they feel like they need to mock me to feel superior, that's their decision. I won't let that affect my hobbies. It's something enjoyable for me.

Thankfully I have non-judgmental friends (and many of them are quite aware that I even judge at TCG tournaments), but if anyone asks, I won't lie. There's no reason to.
I know what you mean. Some of my friends know. I'm not extremely open about it and I don't go telling people or playing Pokemon in public. (Unless someone's playing with me.) But I am not very open that I play video games to begin with, plus everyone (or almost) thinks it as a "guys thing." I don't know. People at school know less about me than they think...
Id someone asked me though, I'd probably say yes.
I won't tell a soul that I play and I won't bring it up in conversation unless it's a close friend or someone I think who would really like playing. People in my school tend to be judgmental, so there's no point. If someone asks, however, I won't lie. If they make fun of me for it, I have more than enough counter-aguements to shut down whatever they say. I actually managed to convince someone who absolutely despised Pokemon in every way that it wasn't a little kids game.
Depends who's asking, to be honest. I'll usually say yes, as I'm very open about playing it. Being on the Pokémon forum, however, I will not.
Being one of those people who don't care what other people think, I will GLADLY admit it in public. Even to the popular kids at school.
Yeah, I'll tell them. It's a basic part of who i am and there's no point in hiding it.
If I had to I would run up and down the street yelling "I PLAY POKEMON!" while holding a sign with a giant PokeBall! So yes, I do admit to it. If people make fun of me for it that is their problem, not mine. What's the big deal about doing something you like being known?
Brave Vesperia said:
If I had to I would run up and down the street yelling "I PLAY POKEMON!" while holding a sign with a giant PokeBall! So yes, I do admit to it. If people make fun of me for it that is their problem, not mine. What's the big deal about doing something you like being known?

Your right :) Its just most of people are not matures to handle anything. They will explode in laughter and such if you say anything that you like to do.
Trust me, as you get into High School and College, you'll find quite a few more people who enjoy Pokemon as much as you do. Even those who don't play it are still much more mature, so you'll rarely be "made fun of."
My own family tends to judge me for it and I really don't care what they say. c'B

P.S. Half the people who judge you for playing Pokemon will either be immature as all hell and druggies. (Personal Experience)

So really right off the bad you have a hobby that isn't full of stupid right off the bat. Keep this in mind and just know you're not a dimwitted addict c'B