Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

Everybody in my classroom knows that I play and they don´t really care. My friends know, too.
If somebody asks me I would probably say yes. You never know, you could make a new friend.
I used to care, but I don't anymore. A good percentage of my friends openly play Pokemon and the ones that don't play Pokemon don't rag on me for it.

This quote is applicable:
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

Don't be friends with people who can't accept that you are a Pokemon trainer, or have another type of difference. :p
Shining Raikou said:
I used to care, but I don't anymore. A good percentage of my friends openly play Pokemon and the ones that don't play Pokemon don't rag on me for it.

Same with me.

Plus when you're in college, Pokemon is the greatest thing in history all over again.
Rusticks said:
Shining Raikou said:
I used to care, but I don't anymore. A good percentage of my friends openly play Pokemon and the ones that don't play Pokemon don't rag on me for it.

Same with me.

Plus when you're in college, Pokemon is the greatest thing in history all over again.

This makes me more excited for college than!
regigigas said:
Rusticks said:
Same with me.

Plus when you're in college, Pokemon is the greatest thing in history all over again.

This makes me more excited for college than!

Yeah, we had a Pokemon, MTG, and Yu-gi-oh social club in the cafeteria at mine once a week.
Hecks ya man. I got a Jirachi keychain and I had it in the little hoop of my jacket zipper and some guy was like"whats det" I said "A Pokemon" he said "lololol u pley pokemen?" I said "Why wouldn't I?"

Yeah I'm pretty open about it. I dont rally care. at all.

Playing pokemon is nothing to be ashamed of, its a Video game, whats the big deal? I think its because it was a fad in the 90's, so yeah you can figure it out from there.
Cooltrainer Alan said:
Playing pokemon is nothing to be ashamed of, its a Video game, whats the big deal? I think its because it was a fad in the 90's, so yeah you can figure it out from there.

I still stand by that it was the 4kids anime dub that ruined the Pokemon culture in many places.
I'm open to telling people I play Pokemon. Jeez... I was a Pokemon trainER for "ER" day.
I'm pretty open about my Pokemon life at my high school. If someone asks me if i like Pokemon I'm always like "HECK YES!!!" but then if their like "Only the originally 151 are the best," or "The new ones sucks..." I tend to look at them funny.... xD I also have like 5 Pokemon shirts that I wear to school too so yeah. I'd say that I'm pretty open about it.
When my friend and I exchange notes, there's always at least one pokemon drawing in it. xD
I don't think anyone should be too worried about what others think. I mean it's there lost at a fun game.
Pokemon is something I will admit to playing. It's been my whole childhood, becoming most of my teen life...and if people are like "Oh Pokemon's stuuupid" I punch 'em... I'd do that but if rather not get expelled from school. My usual response is "K, I'll just leave you to go to Worlds and win 1000s of $." (Though I know I'll never be there, my point is I can win money >:] ) People don't bother me much anymore...I've been bullied and stuff...I'm pretty tough at this point. At least on the outside...
Pokemon's been something i seldom reveal as a hobby to others. If someone asks me if i do, i will mention it but in general i won't just tell people. I just got back into it with my increasing amount of free time. Honestly I was judged for playing it in 6th grade, and sort of lost all kinds of reputation from 7-10th because of it. After that i drifted away from the game, got into music and, women. women. :3 after that i realized i don't care about what the others think, but i dont feel the need to openly express it to the world. I don't play THAT much.

EDIT: now realizing it; I'm a closet game in all senses. I barely tell people i play cod or halo. I just don't see the point.
Dude! I've usually, NEVER had a problem with letting people know that I play Pokemon. Heck, I go to school with my grey hoodie with all my League Badge pins on the front. People comment about it, and I tell them about Pokemon Leagues and how you can get together with friends to play Pokemon, and earn some free, glittery cards to boot! Except erm, not THIS year, apprantly Bs...

To mention the benefit of the doubt though, I must confess that I felt a little embarrassed about it when I was a child. I wanted to be a manly person and become athletic, so I tried to lay low about my affection towards videogames, Pokemon, etc etc. But I'm SO past that now, haha!
No i most likely will not just because i just started high school and i mean people can be mean. Also a lot of people can be judgmental and honestly i dont want to be the kid sitting alone at lunch or getting teased about it everyday of my life.
To quote Shivershaft, I am a closet Pokeplayer. I'd just rather not have that be what people think of when they think of me.
I don't really care who knows personally. I'm used to having odder tastes than those around me.
I admit it all the time. I mean, most, if not all, of my friends know I play games of all sorts. I play the video game, card game from time to time, and I'm also a table top gamer(games like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, etc). If you ask me, I'll admit it. Main response I get most of the time is "It's a kids game." to which I respond with "You'd be surprised how many adults play it." or, if I know the guy and we generally make sarcastic comments to each other, it's something about their mom, or girlfriend, just for laughs.
I love pokemon and probably will never stop loving it! I got my frist cards in 2000(A mixed yardsale box of base set and jungle, I still got a weepinbell and a charmeleon) and have been watching and playing pokemon ever since. People don't give me a hard time about it. Pokemon is a kids game but mickey mouse is a kids show and always has been, but people of all ages love it!!!
It's not like I would go out and shout: "I PLAY POKÉMON!!". But if someone would ask, I'd say: "Yes". :) And all of my friends know it, I think.
I'm very open about if I play pokemon. If someone asks I would say yes, if they make fun of you then just walk away. If you walk away they can't hurt you. They try and make you feel bad about playing it, if you walk away you have won.