Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

I'm very open about it. I don't care what people think. It's my choice/decision and I'm not going to let someone else's judgment affect that one bit! I'm proud to like Pokemon, it helped me read. Lol I truly love it !!
I'll admit it to anyone, but I won't openly do it unless it's asked or brought up. I say it's stupid to hide it just as much as it is to go around flaunting the fact that you do. Leave it be unless brought up I say.

(And since when was Uno a kid's game? I am so out of touch with the rest of the world I guess lulz.)
I'm a senior in high school, and I really don't overly express some of my obscure interests. My entire class knows I play music, cause that's pretty big! When the topic comes up for other interests, I have on occasion told people I have an absolutely monstrous Pokemon card collect, in which they reply, "No way, me too!"

It's what we all started when we were young kids, there's no way getting around it. Regardless of if one still uses it, they always keep it. :)
People are known to be very judgmental. They will judge because it is not as trendy or because the way they depict it for age limits. For example, if I told someone I knew personally and he/she has come to respect in a high authority way, they might begin to look down on me because they do not know pokemon is played even by adults. They would think it is a TV show and toys for kids around the ages of 5 - 8. I can actually openly say it to anyone who is playing pokemon, another card game, or does watch Anime and things like that. I would never admit to someone who is too into realty. That includes a lot of men. Men tend to be about football, sports, competition, etc. Majority of men will also criticize this for the same reason. All in all, I would not tell people who has come to respect me not knowing, but I would tell people who have had experienced being in the same situation or has a record of understanding. It really does depend on the person you are telling to.
If somebody asked me, I'd say yes. It's not something I bring up in conversation though, and I doubt anybody would ask me. I don't really care what other people think of me and I don't think anybody at my high school would judge me for it. If somebody tried to call me childish for liking Pokemon, I'd tell them that they're childish for trying to make fun of me for having my own interests.
I almost never admit it outside of my league, because if they don't play, then they'll insult me. ("Haha, Pokémon is so dumb!") If they do play, then we'll ultimately argue about what Generation we're on. ("Amphy, stop being an idiot, we're on Generation 7!")
You guys should stop caring about what others think. do what you feel like and dont worry about what others think. (as long as its legal) Seriously its sad that you have to hide something you care enough about to join a forum pertaining to the subject.
It's obvious that the older people don't care as much because the people around them are more mature, and if they are parents, they can use the excuse that they entertain their kids with it.

However, I think SR's quote from Dr. Seuss summed up this thread quite nicely. Your true friends are people who don't care about any flaw you may see in yourself. And maybe your only true friends are your Pokefriends, and if they are, so what? They're people who care about you and the hobby you have, so let them be your friends.

If a close friend asked me, I'd say yes, but only because I entertain my younger brother. ;D Ironic, huh?
I never have and never will. I don't care what other people think, I keep playing it because it's fun.
Oh wow. I'm 27 and I openly admit I play Pokemon. Not just that I am a obvious fan. I wear the wristbands of it, I carry the games with me and my 3DS wherever I go, heck I even still wear/use my Pokewalker. And when people ask me if I play Pokemon I admit it. What can they do? Laugh at me, make fun of me. I know all that. But this is who I am and I am proud of it :)
I try not to, because if no one else around me does, why bring it up? This is just around my work place, there's a couple of people that are really into it but most of them aren't so I try to to talk about other stuff.

It's like this with every other subject anyway, don't bring up stuff people aren't really interested in unless they really want to know. You don't go around telling everyone "hey yo man you know what I'm into? Call of Duty. You? No? AWWW MAN! That game is off da chain!!!"

Sometimes I bring it up with subtlety like "Yea I needed to get some batteries for my DS so I can finish Pokemon Black 2" And if they say "Oh you play too?" But usually they're like "oh is it good like the old ones?" which basically means they're not really interested and I cut the subject and change it.
MrSquarepants said:
You don't go around telling everyone "hey yo man you know what I'm into? Call of Duty. You? No? AWWW MAN! That game is off da chain!!!"

Call of Duty players do that a lot, actually. :P
Erm... I don't really ever even discuss it. Maybe I should try and bring it up, but I sort of forget about it in the school day.
once someone I knew pulled out his ds and started playing pokemon black, then this other kid around my age was all like "dude you play pokemon, but you're like 16, isn't it for kids?" and he was all like "nope."

I really don't think anyone is going to make fun of you, tbh I know a TON of college students who play pokemon, you'll occasionally run into a bratty teen who does nothing but play COD on their xbox all day, but I don't think you'll be pushed around because you play pokemon.
Well said! Besides people who do are just bullies and we all know how the story with bullies go. So wear your fandom with pride! lol.
I openly admit it. I am in my third year in college and openly admit to playing Pokemon. I publicly like things on my Facebook page and even have a Raichu as my profile picture as most of my friends have Pokemon as their pictures as well. Something to do with December I think? I don't know.

When I was younger, I had more guy friends than girls because I openly played Pokemon. Haha. The young boys flocked to girls who liked those kinds of things. Only a few of my close friends play Pokemon around me, but I don't care and my friends that don't play don't care.

I was lucky enough to make a huge Pokemon fan out of my boyfriend so I have someone to geek with all the time. :)

Truth is, you shouldn't be embarrassed to be yourself. It just makes the things you enjoy to do, less fun. If you can fully embrace who you are, you can get the most joy out of your interests. If you're in high school or college, you really shouldn't care who knows about you playing Pokemon. From personal experience, after graduation, you see almost none of those people from school again. So why is it a big deal for them to know? They're just people.

Play Pokemon and proud!
Well I'd admit to playing it when asked? Why? I backed myself up with the fact that I play a ton more games other than Pokemon and I just say, Pokemon is very nostalgic for me.