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  1. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    ash_satoshi: Deal, pm me with the details and I will get ti sent out asap. Aphotic: Sorry I dont see anything Javier8100: I dont really need any of those, but from your list I do see: Leafeon X, Starraptor FB. LMK what we can do. And Yes the Darkrai mat PokemonTradeAccount: The...
  2. Hiro191

    ~~ ash_satoshi

    RE: ash_satoshi Wow super Fast Trader! +1!
  3. Hiro191

    ~~ shadoworganoid

    RE: shadoworganoid Thanks for the Trade +1!
  4. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    RareCandyAwesomeness: PM sent PokemonLv63X: Sorry I'm not trading the sleeves for an uncommon trainer that is not in high demand.
  5. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    can the minor thing be Floatzel GL (Regular)?
  6. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    PokemonLv63X: sorry I really dont see much else RareCandyAwesomeness: Ouch didnt know Croak was getting that high up there, well I don't need him really, just a random hey look that would be nice to have.. I would still like to get the Floatzel GL LVX, any chance of that?
  7. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Javier8100: Sorry about that, and I didnt see anything RareCandyAwesomeness: Floatzel GL Lv X and x2 Toxicroak G Promo. LMK what we can do. Rikko145: I see Kingdra (Prime), Floatzel GL Lv.X. How about You: Kingdra Prime and Floatzel GL LVX My: Prof Slevees, Jirachi UL, Shaymin UL...
  8. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Would u do the Star for a Mat?
  9. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    ash_satoshi: Sounds good to me, pm me with the details and we can confirm this! festizzio: Deal. PM me the details so we can confirm
  10. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    PokemonLv63X: I can do the prof Mat for the Flareon Star and I can throw in some Rhyperiors for the judges? Javier8100: Sorry didn't see anything ash_satoshi: I liek the Ursaring and T-Tar Prime, what do u want to do for a trade?
  11. Hiro191

    ~~ SnorlaxDude

    RE: SnorlaxDude Very fast trader +1
  12. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    List has been updated!
  13. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Well I am running low, I can order more me thinks. LMK if there is anything else.
  14. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    yes it has been sent, it should be there any day now. LMK
  15. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    wants has been updated
  16. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Pkmniac: I'm sorry I really don't see anything eevee: yeah I will throw it in, mostly because ur helping me get a Card I really need, and the Judge, well I need a lot of them, lol. So 1x Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half and Draggy NAts Promo for your Crobat Prime and 1x Judge? Pm me with...
  17. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Did u still want the Nats Dragy Promo? I can still throw that in if u want, or am I confusing you with someone else, LOL
  18. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    good luck trading it. It's on ebay for 13-15 buy now right now. Maybe next time.
  19. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    curious, how much are are you putting the worth of Flareon*
  20. Hiro191

    Hiro's Trading Thread

    Steelix Prime and Giratina X for Flareon *?