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  1. H

    BW/BW2 Compatibility Issues?

    I was asking because HertGold and SoulSilver do not. I thought that was quite odd.
  2. H

    BW/BW2 Compatibility Issues?

    Will Pokemon Black and White support WPA/WPA2 connection to the internet? The DSi does, but does the game cartridge, because you also must connect the Pokemon HeartGold cartridge to a WEP connection. :(
  3. H

    (1) Celebi Distribution at Gamestop in February? [12/30]

    If I got Celebii, and then I trade it to my friend's HG, can he unlock Zorua on his own Pokemon Black too?
  4. H

    (3) English Names Confirmed, 3DS Date and Price, Best Wishes' English Name [1/19]

    Have you noticed that Blastoise was the only Starter Pokemon to have a weapon attached to it, until now.Samurott has a sword/ horn I presume. It this a blast from the past? See what I did there? Blast? Blastoise? Hmm? Hmm? :P
  5. H

    (2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

    Could someone post the list here? It could help by showing which Pokemon we are each referring to. The whole list.
  6. H

    Dragonite21's Spriting~Mart- NOW HIRING!!!!!!!

    RE: Dragonite21's Spriting~Mart- NOW HIRING!! Hello, could I have a sprite made? Pokemon: Lucario, Zoroark, and Mewtwo Base Pokemon: Zoroark Specialties: Umm,can you just make sure that the blue, pink and red/black are equal to each other, in other words make sure it is balanced.
  7. H

    BW/BW2 Pokemon Black and White U.S Names(guess)

    I Like the names, they fit better than the Japanese names, Snivy is cool because it sounds like Snickety and thats what Snivy's attitude is based on. Tepig is the only one I have a problem with(see name). Oshawott just is fun to say Minccino is fun to spell.(I hope I spelled it right)...
  8. H

    Artistic Inquiries Thread - Ask Anything Related to Art!

    RE: Art Questions Thread Does anyone know where to get the ground sprite from a Pokemon Black and White Battle, I mean these sprites---
  9. H

    BW/BW2 English Names For Revealed Pokemon

    Pokabu will become Hamferno, if it doesn't I will be so MAD!