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  1. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    i just started school and wont be able to be doing any further request at the moment. if you want to see how i am as a spriter there are plenty of examples :)
  2. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    wailord denied, shops closed until im all caught up
  3. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    alright, ive been really busy but ill make some time maybe tomorrow. i have to do static kids request first though
  4. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    typhlosionftw qmaster megachu hope you all enjoy static kid ill get to your test soon
  5. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    oh wow, i was thinking you wanted more along the lines of like gyrados in the shape of the unknown or something but i can do that! sorry for the confusion
  6. Combat_Whale

    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    work on your shading and outlining. choose where your light source is and go from there.
  7. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop qmaster, i can complete your request however it is going to be extremely difficult and may take a few days since a lot of scratch spriting and detail will be involved. i also have to complete megachu's request first which is also not going to be straight forward...
  8. Combat_Whale

    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    i second altariaking, you'd think that something like rotom479's is worthy of winning maybe because it actually looks like a finished pokemon sprite. cypher's is by no means anywhere close to looking like a winning sprite.
  9. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop paddy 185 enjoy[hr] bpalmer357 [hr] megachu i will get to your request tomorrow, im done spriting for today. i really dont know if a fusion of pikachu and arceus would look any good.
  10. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop orangemudkip wailord you both enjoy! and static kid, what is this a test of and btw if there is any pokemon i hate working with its torkoal xenowolfx i like static kids examples better right now. once i finish all my requests i will pick someone
  11. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop xenowolfx, ill let you know soon, static kid asked first so let me see what he shows me then i will decide. and no we dont do userbars at the moment
  12. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop show me some of your work and ill consider it
  13. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop no more requests until i finish, the three i have now (static kid. wailord. orangemudkip.)
  14. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop here is yours Chiraami, thanks for the freedom ;)
  15. Combat_Whale

    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    my entry for round 2, my first scratch ever lol
  16. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop here is yours Xenowolfx ________________________________________________________________________________ and chirammi's ________________________________________________________________________________ and last but not least wailords...
  17. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop OrangeMudkip, i tried your fusion and its just not working out, sorry. you can make a different request if you want. all other requests are accepted
  18. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop here is yours wailord, enjoy
  19. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop here is yours bpalmer357, another tough one xD [hr] here wailord, hope you like it, enjoy :D
  20. Combat_Whale

    Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

    RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop wailord here is your other sprite, i think it was one of the most difficult ones i've ever done lol [hr] here is your sprite Chiraami =]