Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop *Closed to catch up on requests*

RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

xenowolfx, ill let you know soon, static kid asked first so let me see what he shows me then i will decide. and no we dont do userbars at the moment
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

I will upload some of my work shortly.

Here is some of my work:





I can post more if you want some more examples!
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Can I request a Devamped Zoroark please? If you can't do that then a Glowing Zoroark please :]
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Sprite Form
Pokemon: heracross
Base Pokemon:heracross
Specific Colors: red
can u also make me a devamp heracross?
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop





you both enjoy!

and static kid, what is this a test of and btw if there is any pokemon i hate working with its torkoal

xenowolfx i like static kids examples better right now. once i finish all my requests i will pick someone
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Sprite Form
Pokemon: Pikachu, Arceus
Base Pokemon: Pikachu
Specific Colors: Gold
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

paddy 185






megachu i will get to your request tomorrow, im done spriting for today. i really dont know if a fusion of pikachu and arceus would look any good.
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Sprite Form
Pokemon: Gyrados, Unown Q
Base Pokemon: Gyrados
Specific Colors: Black
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

qmaster, i can complete your request however it is going to be extremely difficult and may take a few days since a lot of scratch spriting and detail will be involved. i also have to complete megachu's request first which is also not going to be straight forward. I really do not get this trend of people requesting small simple pokemon morphed with large complex pokemon. its not fun, and sometimes very aggravating.
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Sprite Form
Pokemon: tyrannitar and typhlosion hybrid/combo
Base Pokemon:either one, your choice
Specific Colors: nope
thank you
oh wow, i was thinking you wanted more along the lines of like gyrados in the shape of the unknown or something but i can do that! sorry for the confusion
i love the design, but because there is so much of tyranitar in the design, can you color it in typhlosion's colors for me? thanx
alright, ive been really busy but ill make some time maybe tomorrow. i have to do static kids request first though
Sprite Form:

Pokemon: Zorua and Shikijika
Base Pokemon: Zorua
Specific Colors: Blue
Specific Body Parts: Shikijika's flower attachment and tail/
Zorua's head, body, and tail
RE: Combat_Whale's Sprite Shop

Oh, it was just to see how good of a spriter you really are, not that I doubt your abilities, or anything. Sorry, if you had trouble with doing Torkoal!