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    EvilHamster's Trade Thread Updated Today!

    RE: Fully Updated 3/3/10! {Want} Donphan Prime {Have} Primes, Red Gyarados & SP Trainers My: Mesprit Lv.X (1) Tyrogue (HGSS)(1) Level Max (3) Premier Ball (SF)(2) (I have some more, but they are from GE, LMK if you want any of those as well) Uxie (MT)(1) Mr.Mime (MT)(1) Regice (LA)(1) For...
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    EvilHamster's Trade Thread Updated Today!

    RE: Fully Updated 3/3/10! {Want} Donphan Prime {Have} Primes, Red Gyarados & SP Trainers Still interested in Mespirit X? My: Mespirit Lv.X (1) For Your: RH Shiny Gyrados (1) Typhlosion Prime (1) RH Cyrus's Conspiracy (1)
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    Looking for 2 Garchomp C Rev's

    RE: Wanting Some revs and a couple of x's Bump (1st for week)
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Sorry, I already have a trade to get the Garchomp.
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Yeah, it's not worth much. I'll look and get back to you.
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Skip ...JK! Sorry! I like the Champ X, anything else you want?
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    esp. [W] Basic Dark

    RE: esp. [H] Ampharos Prime (Easy wants, check it out.) I have a Slowking HGSS The Kirlia is perfect: my entire Gardivour/Gallade line will be RH
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    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: NEED CARDS FOR STATES? COME HERE! I HAVE WHAT YOU NEED! LUX! TOMB! CANDY! 126 X'S! CML for Luxray GL Lv.X please... or anything else you see I want that you happen to have (I Don't mean to look for me, but if you happen to know you have one of my wants, please let me know!)
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    Please close.

    RE: Mikey's Thread, Updated with x3 Lux X , x3 flygon X !! :) CML for Lux X I also have 2 or 3 sealed packs of Garchomp sleeves, 1 sealed pack Arceus Sleeves, and 1 Pack (opened by TO but never taken out or used) HGSS sleeves Would you take a JP Flygon Lv.x?
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) The dark is holo though? If so, PM to finalize.
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Is the dark a Holo? What set is the Fire from? If the fire is a league Promo (like the Dark), HP, or ExE, and the Dark is Holo, you have yourself a deal. Is this okay: My: Gengar Lv.X RH Shiny Gyrados (1) Luxray GL (1 Regular-Holo) Crobat G (3...
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) No, but I might be able to get one. How about My: Shining Gyarados (1 Regular-Holo) Luxray GL (1 Regular-Holo) Crobat G (3 Non-Holo) Butterfree (1 Non-Holo, HGSS) Poke Ball (1 Non-Holo, HGSS) Switch (1 Non-Holo, HGSS) Arcanine (1...
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Azelf for all of them? Azelf is about $12 and the energies are at most $1 ea. Do you have any fire, water or psychic's?
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) I do have a bunch, I'll get back to you, I'll have to make sure the ones I have are in good condition.
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) What set are they from (LP, HP, ExE, PK) Can you post a picture of it somewhere and link to it for me? I'll get back to you. I do, but you don't have anything I'm looking for, sorry.
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    esp. [W] Basic Dark

    RE: esp. [H] Ampharos Prime (Easy wants, check it out.) Do you have RH: Kirlia SW (1) Moonlight Stadium (1) Expert Belt (1) DCE (1) Unown G (2) Baltoy SV (2) Spiritomb AR (1) Azelf LA (1) Pokemon Collector (3, only need 1) VS Seeker (1) Call Energy (2) Will trade regulars and some of your...
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    W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

    RE: W: Luxray GL Lv.X (Desperately Need!!!) Bump (about time, right?)
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    YourP1MP's Official Server

    If you haven't taken me off the server yet, please do. I Haven't been able to get on lately and I don't know when I'll be able to.
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    Looking for 2 Garchomp C Rev's

    RE: Wanting Some revs and a couple of x's PM me with all the details, thanks!
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    Looking for 2 Garchomp C Rev's

    RE: Wanting Some revs and a couple of x's Are they English?