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  1. Rozy

    Pokemon Most annoying...

    The fact that every Claydol I encounter will spam me with Earthquake and Ancient Power. Very very annoying.
  2. Rozy

    Pokemon Most Handsome Pokemon (male or genderless)

    I've always thought Lucario was the most handsome.
  3. Rozy

    Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

    The entire world loved Pokemon at some point. I stopped watching the Anime after the 3rd Generation, because after that it seemed a bit boring. But a good ten years has gone by, and I realized it was a big part of my childhood, and I used to love it like crazy. So I gave it another chance...
  4. Rozy

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! I've always thought the thing with the two bikes in emerald was kinda weird. I mean, how can you ride straight up a mountain with a bike? Or, jump off a cliff with the Acro/Mach and land completely unharmed? Never made any sense to me.