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  1. Paul

    Spiritomb from Arceus (#89) [7/6]

    1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played? It's a good card, but it can only be used succesfully as a starter-Pokemon. 2. What popular metagame decks is it used in? Cursegar, Sablelock. 3. What combos can you use it with? How so...
  2. Paul

    Good decks AFTER a rotation

    Well, we still got Dodrio SV and with this deck you don't have a hand with Energy, because you can use Rain Dance to attach those to your Pokemon. Then you can still draw a nice amount of cards.
  3. Paul

    Good decks AFTER a rotation

    Blastoise UL + Metagross SV + Feraligatr Prime It has the ability to knockout almost anything with 100 Damage and 20 less HP of all Pokemon in play.
  4. Paul

    Pokemon Wierdest Pokemon?

    Exeggutor is the weirdest Pokemon, I mean WHAT is it?