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  1. S

    helping the forums

    because some rules say that we cant post deck lists !!!
  2. S

    helping the forums

    i reall think that you should create another forums post deck lists ... or sell cards ... or become a little flexible with the warnings ... think about this thanks
  3. S

    Over powered

    if charizard isnt overpowered ... so rampardos is a beast ... when kingdra came out it was the biggest beast and nowadays it still be the best card ... if SP pokemons arent overpowered ... how can you explain toxigroak and some more ...??
  4. S

    What changes would you like to see in the TCG

    Nowadays cards are too strong -.-" with this meta game we dont have fun when we´re playing .... they SHOULD reduce their powers !!!
  5. S

    Rampardos fossil ... basic or treiner ?

    thanks ppl so if the fossil is only card in hand .. it is considered a basic ... xD thanks
  6. S

    Rampardos fossil ... basic or treiner ?

    RAMPARDOS GC his "basic" is a fossil ... So in the match start can we play it as a basic (face down) ? or it isnt a basic and cant be played in match start faced down ... ? Discuss
  7. S

    Lotti's Thread [H] ECC Poliwrath, JPN Sleeves + MORE!!! [W] Lots! Come look!

    RE: [H] Bonds to the End of Time, JPN Items, Playmats, Pika Sleeves [W] Lots...look! ttp:// here it is ... check it out
  8. S

    Please close!

    RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay Giratina sleeves and All prerelease sleeves (not all but some) I have lots of your wants CML for !!!
  9. S

    Lotti's Thread [H] ECC Poliwrath, JPN Sleeves + MORE!!! [W] Lots! Come look!

    RE: [H] Bonds to the End of Time, JPN Items, Playmats, Pika Sleeves [W] Lots...look! i´m interested in some sleeves and the playmat Do you trade it ? Cml for something LMK
  10. S


    Slashuur - i´ll Slash you !! xD (Portugal)