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  1. semiartificial

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? It's in the sig.
  2. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Nice to get such a quick reply - thanks.
  3. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Sorry, a further question. If I have Trapinch (or a basic) in play, can I use this card to search for Flygon (or the stage 2 evolution of that basic) and put it straight onto Trapinch (the basic)? I'm wondering if this works like a searchable version of rare candy, but using up the...
  4. semiartificial

    UK player, new to the game, wants to pay cash for the following cards

    Thanks for the offer Lilbandit, I have sent you a PM
  5. semiartificial

    UK player, new to the game, wants to pay cash for the following cards

    Thanks for the offer Mudkip, I have sent you a PM
  6. semiartificial

    UK player, new to the game, wants to pay cash for the following cards

    Hi, I originally posted as below, but what I've found is that Call Energy, Rare Candy and Roseanne's Research are around four dollars or so each. Four of each is about 30 - 35 pounds (about 45 - 50 dollars), which is lot for just part of a deck, and for someone just starting the game. I've...
  7. semiartificial

    Ruling Sableye SF

    Thanks very much :)
  8. semiartificial

    Ruling Sableye SF

    Sableye SF's poke-body Overeager makes you go first. Its Impersonate attack says find a supporter, discard it and use its power. So, does that mean you can use Impersonate and hence a supporter on Turn 1, even though you're going first? Thanks.
  9. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Yes, I'll ask at the club tonight if anyone has spare rare candy ... seems to be as rare as its name, can't find any on Can I use Evoluter to search for a Lv X card?
  10. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Ha ha, newbies eh?! :rolleyes: Well, thanks for persisting with me. :) So, to change the example a bit: - I am going second on the 'first turn' - I have a TM TS1 - I have played Trapinch active - I have a Flygon in my hand 1. I can play TM TS1 as my attack, find Vibrava and put it on...
  11. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Thanks again. So, to sum up in this example: 1. No evolution at all on first turn (eg. has to stay Trapinch) 2. Can evolve on second turn (eg. can put on Vibrava) 3. Cannot use TM TS1 until third turn (eg. get Flygon and put on) (let me know if I'm still confused!)
  12. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    Ah ... no evolution or trainers at all in the first turn, thanks. So, if I'm on my second turn, I think I can then put Vibrava on Trapinch, but can I also use the TM TS1 to get a Flygon and put it on the Vibrava? We did, thanks!
  13. semiartificial

    Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'

    This will be a very basic query, so apologies in advance, but my son and I first played the game this weekend. Let's say I started the game by playing a Trapinch basic card in the active position, face down. Q1. After I turn the cards over and my turn begins, can I evolve it to a Vibrava...
  14. semiartificial

    Acronyms and Terms for Newcomers

    Hiya, A possible addition might be 'SP', as in 'SP Deck'. The reason I mention it is that I'm a rather confused dad trying to help his 8 year old son in getting to grips with the TCG and I've had to look it up after seeing frequent references to it. Also 'POP'