Ruling Evolution and the use of 'Evoluter'


Aspiring Trainer
This will be a very basic query, so apologies in advance, but my son and I first played the game this weekend.

Let's say I started the game by playing a Trapinch basic card in the active position, face down.

Q1. After I turn the cards over and my turn begins, can I evolve it to a Vibrava if I have one in my hand?

Q2. If I also have the Technical Machine TS-1 'Evoluter' in my hand and attach it to the Trapinch/Vibrava, can I use it's attack to find a Flygon and put it on the Vibrava?

You can't evolve your Pokémon during your first turn, except you have Broken Time-Space out and it's the second turn of the game at all. You can use Evoluter to evolve either Trapinch into Vibrava or Vibrava into Flygon, yes, but remember you can't play any Trainer cards during the first turn of the game. Hope you understood that. Have fun playing with your son ;)
Ah ... no evolution or trainers at all in the first turn, thanks.

So, if I'm on my second turn, I think I can then put Vibrava on Trapinch, but can I also use the TM TS1 to get a Flygon and put it on the Vibrava?

We did, thanks!
No, also if you're going second you can't evolve from your hand into Vibrava. A Pokémon have to stay at least one turn in play until you can evolve it.
Thanks again.

So, to sum up in this example:

1. No evolution at all on first turn (eg. has to stay Trapinch)
2. Can evolve on second turn (eg. can put on Vibrava)
3. Cannot use TM TS1 until third turn (eg. get Flygon and put on)

(let me know if I'm still confused!)
Everything's fine except for 3. You can use Evoluter in your second turn though. Or even in your first turn if you went second.
Ha ha, newbies eh?! :rolleyes:
Well, thanks for persisting with me. :)

So, to change the example a bit:
- I am going second on the 'first turn'
- I have a TM TS1
- I have played Trapinch active
- I have a Flygon in my hand

1. I can play TM TS1 as my attack, find Vibrava and put it on Trapinch?
2. On my next turn, I can put Flygon on the Vibrava?

Yes, I'll ask at the club tonight if anyone has spare rare candy ... seems to be as rare as its name, can't find any on

Can I use Evoluter to search for a Lv X card?
Nope, since Level Up and Evolve are two different things. If you want to Level Up from your deck, use Porgon-Z (Promo)'s Learning Attack.
Sorry, a further question.

If I have Trapinch (or a basic) in play, can I use this card to search for Flygon (or the stage 2 evolution of that basic) and put it straight onto Trapinch (the basic)?

I'm wondering if this works like a searchable version of rare candy, but using up the pokemon's attack instead.

No, Evoluter doesn't work like Rare Candy. You could search/evolve to Vibrava however.

dmaster out.