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  1. SolemnParty

    Zekeels for Nats!

    I'd drop the 3rd thundurus for 1 tornadus, and drop the one dual ball for a second sky arrow since you're playing Smeargle. Consider Terrakion for the revenge kills with Retaliate for the mirror (Play 4 Prism), as it OHKO's Zekrom and OHKO's a non-eviolited Zekrom EX.
  2. SolemnParty

    What would the Abbreviation for HS: Trimphant be?

    I assumed it was going to be HS:T or TR. I forgot about Team Rocket, but otherwise we'll run out of letters eventually.
  3. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    It's been winning in New england. Even Austino is still running it. The deck just uses Regice + Volkners + Collector to get set up. Hell, I built the deck and it's wrecking this deck pretty much every game.
  4. SolemnParty

    Absolchomp [CC Masters]

    When you get Unown DARK as your starter? You lose. : D But I honestly like Unown Dark in decks. I ran it in Sablelock, Absol/Garchomp and Scizor/Umbreon. It's a great card, being a special darkness energy you can search with pokemon collector, essentially. You might want to consider not...
  5. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Gyarados has suddenly become my worst match-up. I hadn't done any testing against it, so I didn't see it coming.
  6. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    So I went 3-2 at Battle Roads, losing 1st round to Scizor Prime and 5th round to Gyarados with DGX. Suggestions on countering either deck?
  7. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    I've been considering dropping a power spray, as I've barely used them in the last couple of weeks.
  8. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    I just don't see it being necessary, it's more consistent with the Interviewers.
  9. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    I guess. I'm not too worried about Dialga/Garchomp, I don't think there's much in my area.
  10. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    I'd go 1-1 Mewtwo before 1-1 Blaziken with fire energies.
  11. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    Can you explain why it's more consistent? And I'd rather keep my 4 call, honestly.
  12. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Honestly... I don't see either tech working. I need the Hand Refresh from PONT + Lookers, not the draw from Cheerleader's Cheer. And 1-1 Slowking is an interesting idea, but probably not worth it.
  13. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    I dunno if I'd want to run 2-2 Mewtwo. I don't really run enough psychic energy to warrant it. I might run 1-1, but probably not 2-2.
  14. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    I only own a 3-1 line. >> But I've also never seen the need for a second Infernape 4.
  15. SolemnParty

    SP Killer Masters BRs

    I'd go with 2-2 Mewtwo, personally.
  16. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    Updated list; running 1-1 Blaziken FB, and I already tested it against Vilegar. Pretty beast.
  17. SolemnParty

    Luxchomp senior battle roads

    No problem. That stuff is just the basic stuff that most lists run. CHeck out my Infernape/Garchomp List, try to do something like that. With Luxray.
  18. SolemnParty

    (-o-)*~*VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)*~*(-o-)

    RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities) You're better off with 3 SF Gengar and the level x, than 2 SF and 1 AR. The only trainers you should be running are 1 Luxury ball and 2-3 Rare Candy. Not expert belt. If you can get them, try 4 call, 5-6 Psychic and 3 Warp for your energy line up.
  19. SolemnParty

    Seniors BR - Leafeon UD/Roserade UL

    Why Venusaur?
  20. SolemnParty

    Arceus (masters/battleroad)

    Switch a Copycat for another New Theory. Your Gengar Match-up is going to be a pain with Arceus X being colorless.