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  1. SolemnParty

    Dialga/Palkia/Garchomp SP (Masters, Battle Roads)

    How's the deck testing? It looks like a pretty interesting idea. No Call Energies?
  2. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    Scratch that. I want to test 1-1 Blaziken FB. Seems like a more consistent counter for this deck.
  3. SolemnParty

    SP Killer Masters BRs

    Call Energies?
  4. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Updated the list. Still debating on what else to add. I might drop all the trainers, but I"m not sure.
  5. SolemnParty

    Yanmega LA Spread and Snipe idea

    RE: Yanmega LA Rather run the Prime and attack for no energy forever with Judge + Copycat.
  6. SolemnParty


    Pretty sure 4th is attach expert belt, and 6th is supposed to be "pokemon rescue/Combee SF".
  7. SolemnParty

    Blaze Chomp (Blaziken lv x, Garchomp lv. x) Masters BR

    I wouldn't run SP Energy. Just my opinion.
  8. SolemnParty

    Sablelock (BR, Senior)

    I would switch an initiative for a conspiracy, in my opinion. I didn't even run Initiative in my build of sablelock... >>;
  9. SolemnParty

    scizor cities masters division

    Your avatar scares me... but I digress. You should probably be worried about the trainer lock match-up.
  10. SolemnParty

    Blazray w/ Mewtwo (Seniors, BR)

    RE: Blazray (Seniors, BR) I don't think you need the Premier Balls... If you're that worried about your level X's, run 2 Aaron's Collection, you can just search them from the deck with SP Radar.
  11. SolemnParty

    BlazeChomp With ERL (Battle Roads, Masters)

    I'd probably switch the 2 communication for a 3rd SP Radar and a 2nd Bebe's Search, personally. I prefer Communication at 4 with 4 collectors if I'm running it.
  12. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Considering adding either a second unown Q, or an Azelf LA. I haven't decided which is more important.
  13. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    Then why am I 6-0 versus the deck so far? I do want to fit in 1-1 Dialga and 2 Warp Energies, but I don't know how.
  14. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Both of my decks end up getting used during league, since my girlfriend plays but doesn't want to buy her own stuff. I personally use Infernape/Garchomp more, so it's in that deck. When I get a second one it'll go in here, and if I choose to use it myself for battleroads I'll run it.
  15. SolemnParty

    Genplume(seniors) for Citys

    RE: Genplume(seniors) for Battle Roads I'd also go with Palmer's Contribution over Flower Shop Girl.
  16. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    I don't have an Uxie X I can put in here, since I only have 1 and it's in my Infernape/Garchomp deck, as that's my main deck. Only problem with Jirachi is that since I'm not spreading like regular gengar, I'm not going to get a bunch of knockouts at once when I de-evolve all their stuff.
  17. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    I decided to drop Drifblim FB for the 3rd PONT. I liked Drifblim, but I originally ran it with Lucario GL so it got the OHKO on AMU.
  18. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    The rare candies are essentially to set up another vileplume if mine gets killed, but I'll definitely consider dropping them with further testing.
  19. SolemnParty

    BlazeChomp With ERL (Battle Roads, Masters)

    No problem. Mind commenting on my Infernape/Garchomp deck? I haven't gotten any posts on it yet. >> Link is in my sig. Also, how do the 2 communications work in the deck?
  20. SolemnParty

    EonTank :: Seniors :: Any Tournaments

    You want to just go with UL-UL Roserade, 2-2 Line would probably be fine. And the Nidoqueen is from RR.