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  1. SolemnParty

    EonTank :: Seniors :: Any Tournaments

    Well, I'm not saying to change the Leafeon, you just would use Roserade to put the special conditions on stuff. My build run 4 Leafeon and a Espeon Prime.
  2. SolemnParty

    Darkness Swarm!!!! (Cities, Seniors) (need expert help!!)

    RE: Darkness Swarm!! (Cities, Seniors) (need expert help!!) I'd switch the persians for Houndoom UD. It's a pretty beast card that hits fighting hard for 1 energy and decent for 2 and discarding cards from their hand.
  3. SolemnParty

    EonTank :: Seniors :: Any Tournaments

    Now to actually comment on the deck. : D You can write the 2-2 Leafeon and 2-2 Espeon prime as 4-2/2 Espeon Prime/Leafeon UD, for future reference. I think that 3 Houndoom Prime might be over doing it. I think a 2-2 Line for that would be fine with the 2-2 Hypno. However, I believe that...
  4. SolemnParty

    EonTank :: Seniors :: Any Tournaments

    You can only run 4 Double Colorless Energies.
  5. SolemnParty

    Sablelock (BR, Senior)

    You need at least 2-1 Uxie. I'd switch either Ambipom G or 2 initiatives for another uxie and a unown Q.
  6. SolemnParty

    BlazeChomp With ERL (Battle Roads, Masters)

    I, personally, prefer the shiny drifloon if you have it. You're not running very many fire energies for a fire main attacker. I run 5 in Infernape/Garchomp, but I also need 2 to attack and I discard them a lot.
  7. SolemnParty

    Doom Dragon (Cities) Masters - Updated!

    RE: Doom Dragon (BR's and Cities) Masters What's the one psychic energy for, Azelf start?
  8. SolemnParty

    Infernape/Garchomp (Masters, for BRs)

    Infernape/Garchomp 60 Cards Pokemon: 18 3-1 Infernape 4 Lv. X 2-2 Garchomp C Lv. X 1-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X 2-1 Uxie Lv. X 1 Azelf LA 2 Crobat G 1 Dragonite FB 1 Toxicroak G 1 Bronzong G 1 Unown Q T/S/S: 28 4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy 4 TGI Poke Turn 4 TGI Power Spray 4 TGI Energy Gain 2 TGI SP Radar 2...
  9. SolemnParty

    Vilegar (Masters, for BRs)

    Vilegar 60 Cards Pokemon: 24 4-3-3-1 Gengar X 2-2-2 Vileplume UD 4 Spiritomb AR 2 Uxie 1 Unown Q T/S/S: 24 3 Broken Time-Space 2 Rare Candy 1 Luxury Ball 4 Pokemon Collector 3 Looker’s Investigation 4 Professor Oak’s New Theory 3 Bebe’s Search 2 Interviewer’s Questions 2 Palmer’s Contribution...
  10. SolemnParty

    Genplume(seniors) for Citys

    RE: Genplume(seniors) for Battle Roads Well, Spiritomb is going to be a league promo, so they won't be too hard to get soon. That's why you run Warp Energy. Or should, any way. I run 5 Psychic, 3 call and 2 warp.
  11. SolemnParty

    Genplume(seniors) for Citys

    RE: Genplume(seniors) for Battle Roads You need Spiritombs to get the lock turn one. But aside from that, I prefer thick lines under trainer lock. 4-3-3-1 Gengar and 2-2-2 Vileplume. Judge isn't a good idea; even if it's for the Gyarados match up, you're shuffling their trainers and...