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Sablelock (BR, Senior)

Is this Good?

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Mudkip Bait
SableLock Battle Roads

2-2 Garchomp C X
1-1 Blaziken FB X
1-1 Uxie X
4 Sableye SF
1-1 Honchkrow SV
2 Crobat G
1 Azelf LA
1 Ambipom G
1 Honchkrow G
1 Chatot G

3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Cyrus's Initiative
2 Pokemon Collectors
2 Judge
1 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection
3 Energy Gain
4 Power Spray
4 Poke Turn
2 SP Radar
1 Luxury BAll
1 Expert Belt

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Darkness Special Energy
2 Dark Energy
2 Fire Energy

It's a Basic Sablelock with a Blaziken FB In it.​
You need at least 2-1 Uxie. I'd switch either Ambipom G or 2 initiatives for another uxie and a unown Q.
put in some collectors. ambipom isn't needed you don't need belt.. it's just gengar food. you don't need 4 cyrus' ini. only 3. you need to make room for another conspiracy as you need your inventions like poketurns and sprays. only 1 fire energy because you use an aaron's and only 1 blaziken tech. azelf isn't all that great,it's just another pixie to be shadow roomed. im not gonna tell you exactly what to take out or how much of it to take out.. but those are just what you need. i've played sablelock as a senior for awhile.
Amibipom G is a Garchomp Counter and it is a donker to so i'll keep that and i've always been fine with 3 conspiracies. Azelf's important for grabbing prized blazikens. Also your basing this on a gengar match up and i'm pretty sure that i don't have much Gengar in my area. But i will take your advice on dropping the one Ini. I have collector i just forgot to put in in the list while i was typing.
I would switch an initiative for a conspiracy, in my opinion. I didn't even run Initiative in my build of sablelock... >>;