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  1. Metalion

    Ruling Shedinja vs. Rampardos

    Battle of Pokébodies: Wonder Shell vs. Iron Skull Shedinja LV.38 (Pulse of the Frontier) Pokébody: Wonder Shell "Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon by your opponent’s Pokemon with any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies." What happens?!
  2. Metalion

    Ruling Power Spray vs. Sacrifice/Delcatty

    I'm playing it wrong! Thanks a lot!
  3. Metalion

    Ruling Power Spray vs. Sacrifice/Delcatty

    If i use Power Spray to stop Sacrifice from Regigigas Lv.X, my opponent will give a prize to me for nothing? And Delcatty's Power Circulation? 2 Damage counters or nothing?
  4. Metalion

    Ruling Shaymin X

    The card says: "Seed Flare: 40 damage. You may choose any number of Grass Energy in your hand and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. If you do, this attack does an additional 20 damage for each Energy card you attach." Energy card =/= Energy Seed Flare damage bonus only work...
  5. Metalion

    Ruling Moon Stone

    Thanks again Mr. Kaga!
  6. Metalion

    Ruling Moon Stone

    I can use Cleffa (DP) power "baby evolution" to evolve to Clefary (SW) and use Moon Stone's effect to evolve to Clefable (DP) in the same turn?
  7. Metalion

    Ruling Fossil Armor + Dialga

    Thanks a lot airconditioning and Kaga!
  8. Metalion

    Ruling Fossil Armor + Dialga

    Sorry for the thread on wrong place. Thanks for all help! In can belive in bench fossil armor, card don't say the pokebody stops work on bench. But Time Aura? For exemple, Torterra IFDS can ignore this effect with Solar Song, playing evolution cards from the deck. And Rare candy? Works or not?
  9. Metalion

    Ruling Fossil Armor + Dialga

    1- Fossil Armor works on bench? Protecting Armaldo LA against some snipe attacks? 2- Time Aura from Dialga Lv.70 IFDS can be ignored with rare candy, like old Fossil set Aerodactil Prehistoric Power?
  10. Metalion

    Ruling Jirachi (DP5 - J)

    The second attack says: If opponent's defending pokémon retreat, the new defending pokémon will die? Or Jirachi's attack will fail?
  11. Metalion

    Ruling Rayquaza Ex d - Power up!?

    Special Circuit from Rayquaza Ex d can be powered up by Feraligatr d Battle Aura, when attacking DEFENDING Pokémon?
  12. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    Nice view point mystic! Flygon = Simple Agressive. Only fast damage. (ok, fast damage rocks!) Dragonite = Power with more possibilities and strategy. ok, flygon hit's 80 for 3, but draggy can lock some trainers a little with deafen, before hit hard with dragon roar for 4. I'm really...
  13. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    Hm... nice tutorial vanderblit! Good "way to go" with Draggy! Flygon Ex d is really better for a primary damage dealer than Dragonite Ex d? Flygon's speed (body + psyquic pulse) > Draggy's power (Deafen + D. Roar)? Current score: Flygon 9 - Dragonite 7
  14. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    Exactly! I'm thinking about using one of them as primary attacker. (I know, Draggy works nice on Metanite). Good for active and bench hitting. All of them have overpowered attacks. But besides setup helpers, which would be other good combinations for them? Weexing(Dx)/Low Pressure System with...
  15. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    At this time i can see Flygon is overused (not on my region), but has better combinations than Dragonite. I hope to see future good combinations with Dragonite! Draggy will rox! Current score: Flygon 6 - Dragonite 4 Thnx again!
  16. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    Different oppinions! Nice! I like creative ways other them "the current best deck". All oppinions are wellcome! Dragonite Strikes Back! Current score: Flygon 5 - Dragonite 3 Flygon is the "all ass kicker"? Dragonite have a Great Hidden (underated) potential? Thanx again for all!
  17. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    wow! Thanks for all opinions! Flygon hype isn't only for popularity or brute force, but for synergy with his own evolution line and other cards. Nice! Anyone to vote for Dragonite? Current score: Flygon 3 - Dragonite 0 and... ...what's the name of Dragonite/Nidoqueen deck? Drag Queen!?
  18. Metalion

    Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

    I searched a lot, but the doubt continues!:( Flygon Ex d or Dragonite Ex d? I need to chose only one, what's better for a cool and competitive deck? (Using lot's of bench manipulation like Cyclone energy/Warppoint) Both has no weakness, 150hp and powerfull attacks, can use techs like...