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  1. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Any OP rush decks out there?

    Pikachu&Zekrom TTGX is a pretty fast deck and VERY viable, I'd suggest finding a post rotation list as rotation happens this Thursday. Good places to find any deck lists really are Omnipoke, Tricky Gym and Rare Candy on youtube.
  2. Wolfe_XD

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    I think they probably meant non legendary/non evolving basics
  3. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Experimenting with Baby Blacephalon

    You can probably cut the switch, unless you really like it, and a nest ball or 2 for some copies of ultra space most decks are only running 2-3 stadiums now so if you are running even just 3 you can win the stadium war, also space can be used for multiple turns. nest balls are a one time thing...
  4. Wolfe_XD

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    It might get a tag team, considering they've released keldeo first. But it could just get a normal GX still.
  5. Wolfe_XD

    'Detective Pikachu Tins' Coming to Walfart!

    Finally Tins without an XY set in.
  6. Wolfe_XD

    Ultra PRO Pikachu and Eevee Products in June!

    When was the last time Ursaring was relevant? Even Decidueye isnt as relevant anymore. We had games literally a couple months ago with Pikachu and Eevee right on the front, these will sell far better than anything else. It's just a harsh truth of general marketing.
  7. Wolfe_XD

    Discussion Spicy techs in pikarom

    Marshadow-GX. Helps with Zoroark.
  8. Wolfe_XD

    Standard SUM-TEU Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX

    Personally, I prefer multi switch over counter gain. Another card to consider would be a Switch or Black market, as you get the synergy with Unit FDY
  9. Wolfe_XD

    Expanded Zororoc

    You can probably cut down to a 2-2 lycanroc line, and add a pokecomm and maybe a A-Grimer, sneasel or another Exeggcute.
  10. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Zoroark Gx + Lycanroc Gx + Lucario Gx

    Pal pad is too good to get rid of, Guzma recycling without needing to attack is amazing. But 3 basic is fine because of the Viridian.
  11. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Help with my Bisharp deck.

    If you have a zapdos or 2 about you could use the LPM Unit Energy to attack with those, acerola/escape rope has some decent synergy and if you attach a choice band can set up some KO's with Bisharp even on bigger S1 GX's
  12. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Zoroark Gx + Lycanroc Gx + Lucario Gx

    Lost March is a 50/50, Just try and use just the Zoroark's, LM can hit weakness on on the lycanrocs and the lucario. Pikarom in an autowin and you have a good matchup against most rogues but watch out for stall. I've been playing a similar list the past 2 weeks or so, it does pretty well.
  13. Wolfe_XD

    Discussion Silvally GX - Sleeping Hit or a Bad Card?

    When TCE drops I'm going to try a Zoroark/A-Ninetails(Y) build, focusing on hitting weakness on the bigger decks so only a few Memories are needed (fighting/water etc) as these counter some of the bigger decks. Fighting is still a problem, though you could play one or two weakness policy, also...
  14. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Stage 2 Heaven

    Yeah, I've seen those lists but I don't think ill get enough damage on the board. The idea of this deck is pretty much flood the board with stage 2's get some good use out of SBE with swampert/decidueye to hit the magical 210 for zoroark, and then use more decidueye to hit higher also a lot of...
  15. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Stage 2 Heaven

    Yeah, I've only tested a little online. I'm going to my local league in a couple days so I'll get some irl testing then. Though I don't really want to spend like £20 on another A-Tales.
  16. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Stage 2 Heaven

    ****** MegaDeciSwampTales ****** ##Pokémon - 22 * 3 Decidueye-GX SUM 12 * 3 Rowlet SUM 9 * 2 Alolan Vulpix GRI 21 * 1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60 * 3 Mudkip CES 32 * 3 Swampert CES 35 * 1 Alolan Ninetales-GX LOT 132 * 2 Chikorita LOT 5 * 2 Meganium LOT 8 * 1 Solgaleo-GX PR-SM SM104 * 1 Cosmog PR-SM...
  17. Wolfe_XD

    Standard Mama Cass's Decree

    Drop the unidentified fossil/aerodactyl, running 1 could be fine with ditto but A-Ninetails/beacon vulpix is a great combo for stage 2 decks if you can get it out. It might be 2 free prizes for metal decks but they can usually hit GX numbers anyway. you could also drop the pidgeotto for more...
  18. Wolfe_XD

    Discussion Best Water Attacker?

    White Kyurem from lost thunder, for standard at least. Takes good advantage of shrine and has a couple of decent engines.
  19. Wolfe_XD

    Full Metal Wall in February

    I see it as number of energy, so SBE should count.