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Standard SUM-TEU Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX


Rayquaza Fan
Hey there, this is my current Zoroark Lycanroc list, but it somehow feels not perfect:

****** ZoroRoc Lillie ******

##Pokémon - 21

* 1 Alolan Muk SUM 58
* 1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137
* 1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 155
* 2 Lycanroc-GX GRI 156
* 1 Alolan Grimer BUS 83
* 1 Zorua SLG 52
* 1 Sneasel UPR 73
* 1 Weavile UPR 74
* 3 Rockruff FLI 75
* 1 Ditto ◇ LOT 154
* 1 Lycanroc-GX TEU 82
* 3 Zorua PR-SM SM83
* 4 Zoroark-GX PR-SM SM84

##Trainer Cards - 31

* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 2 Professor Kukui SUM 148
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 161
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 1 Mallow GRI 145
* 2 Acerola BUS 142
* 2 Guzma BUS 143
* 2 Choice Band BUS 162
* 2 Devoured Field CIN 93
* 4 Lillie UPR 125
* 1 Pal Pad UPR 132
* 1 Cynthia UPR 148
* 1 Judge LOT 209
* 1 Counter Gain LOT 230
* 3 Pokémon Communication TEU 152

##Energy - 8

* 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
* 1 Fighting Energy GRI 169
* 3 Unit Energy FightingDarknessFairy FLI 146

Total Cards - 60

As you can see, I play a 1-1 Weavile line but I'm not sure about that. What do you think: is Weavile currently good or should I cut it? Next, I somehow want to fit in a second Cynthia and maybe a Switch. Do you think this change would make sense and which cards are the best to cut? If you have any other suggestions to improve the deck, feel free to post them here.
Personally, I prefer multi switch over counter gain. Another card to consider would be a Switch or Black market, as you get the synergy with Unit FDY