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  1. G

    no claydol in a setup deck?

    IMO Claydol is still a mandatory in stage2 decks, which seems rare nowadays and also very good card as 1-1 line in most of SP decks also. Sniping hurts Claydol a lot, but Power Spray isn't as much of a issue as with Uxie. Volkner's Philosophy is great drawing card in decks you dont want to run...
  2. G

    Is Mewtwo X still around???

    RE: Is Mewtwo X still around? It sure is rare but I was thinking why not to tech it in any kind of SP deck. The decks you are facing are 90% SP only decks where Mewtwo X gives you free win.
  3. G

    "Uxie LA Staying for Next Format Change"

    What does it matter now anyways cause season 2009-2010 format is DP-on..
  4. G

    Lotti's Thread [H] ECC Poliwrath, JPN Sleeves + MORE!!! [W] Lots! Come look!

    RE: Lotti's Sell/Trade Thread [H] Prof Sleeves, Items, 5 Uxie + 4 Claydol + more[W] Lots! You are not allowed to trade because you do not have a reference thread. Until one is made you are allowed to trade. Read the rules next time. A for now this is considered spam. ~SotH