Search results

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    DPPt/HGSS Looking For Shinies!

    /Just call him mean names like hey you fat tub of lard how many times you go to Mcdonalds
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    Wi-Fi Trades Hoggyz_a_legend's My Player Thread

    Manaphy for Shiny Slugma?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome trades and battles SHAYMIN DARKRAI ARCEUS now obtained!!!!!!

    RE: Awesome trades and battles Sorry do it tommorrw homework right now
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome trades and battles SHAYMIN DARKRAI ARCEUS now obtained!!!!!!

    RE: Awesome trades and battles Yeah all for Celebi
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome trades and battles SHAYMIN DARKRAI ARCEUS now obtained!!!!!!

    RE: Awesome trades and battles I'll trade you Munchlax Leafon Glaceon Spirtomb Chimchar for your JAarachi
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    DPPt/HGSS The Scammers and Shady Battlers Thread

    WTF It was an emergency sorry that my parnets just showed up and wouldn't let me finish the battle
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Okay tell me when your ready
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Okay Sure but thats a ripoff howa bout just for Lugia?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Shaldeon Okay but I cant trade right now Pokelen I have to migrate them so I can trade tommorow Kevin I repiled your PM
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    Wi-Fi Trades Kevin Garrett's Trading Station

    RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread I'll trade tou Flamthrower for Porygon
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Shaldeon if I get Regigas without trading my manaphy I'll tell you
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Artcic Thunder I'll trade you G/S/C starters Regigas
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    I have a hacked Entie Raikkou for Porygon
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    Wi-Fi Trades Awesome Trading Thread (getting rid of a manphy)

    Hey Haves Manaphy x2 Palkia Dialga Drifblim Snorlax lv 100 Spirtomb have tons Munchlax have tons Totodile have tons Any of the 3rd generation pokemon Burmy female or male Pilup have tons Turtwig have tons Victreebel Floatzel lv52 Gastrodn lv52 Weavile lv50 Riolu Mewtwo...
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    DPPt/HGSS Bidoof Trading Shiny Spirtomb

    freakysmiley are you asking for a combusken?
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    DPPt/HGSS Bidoof Trading Shiny Spirtomb

    Ummm no thanks
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    DPPt/HGSS Bidoof Trading Shiny Spirtomb

    Haves Shinys Treecko Spirtomb!!!! Just hatched never used Rapadash Flygon NonShineys Floatzel 52 Victreebel 50 Spirtomb Bunch of them Ayrodactl Tanglea Gastrodon 52 Magneton Eevee Elekid Mew hacked Any 3rd gen pokemon all legit Tell me if you want PKRS Wants ANy shineys