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  1. Darkmot

    Help Seel Base Set Error Card - Question

    So I've got this Base Set Error card of Seel 41/102. The card is german. As you can see in the picture below the black print pattern is shifted a little bit to the right, such that the card looks a little bit blurry. So far I haven't seen this misprint anywhere else. Can anybody tell me more...
  2. Darkmot

    Event A very short report about a Top8 finish at the Austrian National Championship - with Serperior -

    Hello there fellow 'Beachers, long time no see! I've just recently come back to the game and participated in a few local tournaments after having an almost three year long break from the competitive PokemonTCG. The reasons for me being away for so long are my studies. At the moment I am an...
  3. Darkmot


    So, you're searching for a tech vs. Donchamp, already having one. Look put in some Pokemon Reversals to get easy OHKOs and potentially win the prize exchange, because when they bring up their Machamps in lategame you can easily bring up your Zoroarks to return kill them. ;D Here some changes...
  4. Darkmot

    1st Place CC Report /Austria-Weiz

    Thank you^^ Yeah the list was to see if it works well in this format. (Miguel Garcia and I tested it.) -Filipp.
  5. Darkmot

    1st Place CC Report /Austria-Weiz

    My very short Report The day before the CC I decide to play LuxChomp at the CC in Weiz and make a list. I focused it onto SP Mirror and pure consistency. So we drive two hours to Weiz and we arrive short before the tournament starts, but some of us haven't been able to come, because they...
  6. Darkmot

    Wien-Austria City Championship 1st Place Report

    Short after wakingn up I think that I don't want to play Sablelock today, as I would have played it. So I look for some cards and like the idea of playing GenPlume at the City Championship. I make a list short before the tournament and play two quick tesplays with Luca (Ultimatum) with...
  7. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    I will come online tomorrow....
  8. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    @pokekid: you can playma when i am online, i would say the next time i am online is Monday.
  9. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    @ TDA: Everytime I played you i got a crappy hand to your T1-T3 Gyaras.... and that was before this thread @konter: for sure
  10. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    ok i will battle you in your Network :-)
  11. Darkmot

    special redshark tourney? :)

    Yh this gonna be funny
  12. Darkmot

    special redshark tourney? :)

    I´d like to join^^ Hamachi-name: Darkmot E-mail: [email protected]
  13. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    Here is the list for those who played against me: Oppenent: / Score: / Deck: Armaldo1 / 1-2 / Shuppet ... no join - sorry for you
  14. Darkmot

    First official Network for playing PT-on Format, probably the next Modified Format!

    oh yh sorry that was a mistake ... editing....
  15. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    At the moment I am pro, but you can test it - play against me.... AND I am not a NOOB, never say this to any player, because they will never get good players if everybody calls them a NOOB, because they will start to believe, that there is no chance of winning tournaments.... Darkmot.
  16. Darkmot

    First official Network for playing PT-on Format, probably the next Modified Format!

    Want to play Platinum-on? Join this Network: ID: pt&on Pass: pt&on Have fun with playing Decks out of: Platinum, Rising Rivals, Supreme Victors, Arceus, Heart Gold & Soul Silver, Unleashed, ... Darkmot.
  17. Darkmot

    Join my Network - just for Pros

    Hi, how are you? Wanna join my network? But first I want to say that not everyone can join my Network, because you have to win at least 2 Games out of 3 against me to join. You can play any deck (Modified Format). The Network for playing to join my network is: ID: testtojoin Pass...