1st Place CC Report /Austria-Weiz


Aspiring Trainer
My very short Report

The day before the CC I decide to play LuxChomp at the CC in Weiz and make a list. I focused it onto SP Mirror and pure consistency.

So we drive two hours to Weiz and we arrive short before the tournament starts, but some of us haven't been able to come, because they had problems with their car and the snow, blabla.... xD
I am missing two cards for my LuxChomp, which are Drifloon Shiny and one Luxray GL LV.X, but I am not able to get the Drifloon :(, but it was not a big problem to play the UD one with one retreat cost.
So here is the list:

2 Luxray GL LV.X
2 Luxray GL
2 Garchomp C LV.X
2 Garchomp C
1 Uxie LV.X
2 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf
1 Drifblim
1 Drifloon
1 Toxicroak G
1 Crobat G
1 Dragonite FB
1 Ambipom G
1 Lucario GL
1 Bronzong G
1 Smeargle

4 Cyrus' Conspiracy
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Pokemon Communication
4 Energy Gain
2 Power Spray
4 Poke Turn
3 SP Radar
1 Aaron's Collection

4 Call
4 Double Colorless
3 Lightning
1 Psychic

So there is one Machamp and I hope to not get paired against it, but....

#1 Round Vs. ? with Machamp/Umbreon/Sableye

I get an Ok start and he can't donk me and I get out really good, but whiff on Energies and Uxies/Machamp counters, so he is able to get 2 Machamps in Turn 3 and starts killing me. I start taking cheap prizes until I finally get a Machamp counter, but unfortunatly are just able to get one counter, that was not enough, but I bring the game down to 2-2 and go for Luxray to kill his Umbreon and if he is not able to get a Machamp in his next turn I win, but he gets it FTW.


So now I think that I am not able to make the tourney and get into the final.
Stupid Machamp :( xD

#2 Round Vs. Dominik Feint with Kingdra/Gengar

So this is a very easy Matchup and I get some Luxrays out very fast and at first he isn't able to get a Kingdra, so I Bite his Horseas for some cheap prizes and at some time he eventually scoops.


#3 Round Sebastian Rath with Kingdra/Donphan

I feel very comfortable now and really think that I am going to win this game easy, but I need some turns to get out my Luxrays, so he is able to draw 2 prizes. Then I kill his Kingdras and spray his Uxies and he is not able to do anything. Finally he scoops.


Now I have a chance to get into the final, because I won against someone who was 2-0 and that's really good for something like that.

#4 Round Vs. Matthias Michel with VileGar

I just don't see why so many people say, that LuxChomp has a problem against VileGar, and I'll never see it xD Yeah I just go through his Plumes and that's it.
Yeah I start with Call Energy and get my two Luxrays. He starts to set up and gets a Gloom. I Broghtlook the Gloom and go for Bat and Poke Turn to kill it. He kills my Bronzong G and gets another <Gloom, but unfortunatly fort him I am able to Dragon Rush the Gloom.
The rest of the game is pretty simple, I just take the control and win by sniping/Brightlooking.

So he lost against the only one who has 4-0 and that makes my chance even higher to get into the final and the only other person who might get into final is Seabastian, but I won against him and it looks really good for me. ThenStefan comes and tells me that we're in Final. Yeah^^

FINAL Vs. Stefan Weber with DialgaChomp

So I think about a strategy to beat him in the easiest and fastest way and find it soon, because he only plays an Ambipom G as a Chomp Counter.

1. Game:
So I use this strategy and set up 2 Chomps and one Dragonite in my first turn with the help of Call Energy. For sure he is also able to get his Ambipom and 2 Garchomps in his first turn, but in my second turn I snipe his Chomp and he has to counter my Chomp with his Chomp, because there is an Energy attached to it, so Ambipom won't work.This is the point where I take the control over the field and he is not able to get anything out for the rest of the game.

2. Game:
Yeah I start with Call Energy again and get everything in turn 2 again already sniping his Chomps and with my 4 Gains and many counters I just take over the control again with out any problems.


Yay Won!!!!
Didn't thinm that I was able to win after first round. XD

Stefan on Final

Boosters only included 2 Primes and just crap -.-
Machamp -.-

Thank you^^
Yeah the list was to see if it works well in this format. (Miguel Garcia and I tested it.)
