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  1. PloKoon

    Pokemon Which Fire pokemon do you think is the best?

    I'd have to go with typhlosion, it just looks so cool...
  2. PloKoon

    DP rules ?

    where are you guys getting this info? I think this is great! Starting fresh with a brand new way to play is okay with me! I'm sure the rules we have now were controversial when r/s came out, but look at it now! I don't find the trainer rule that bad actually. I think they are trying to...
  3. PloKoon

    kadabra no more=(

    I Dont understand why people like to sue pokemon so much... I think we all remember the lawsuit on burgerking...
  4. PloKoon

    Sunday, 3/11, Disney and Pokemon?

    well, I've seen many other references to disney from the movies, show, franchise. At the ending credits from most of the movies, you see that disney is credited. Disney would honestly be the best thing for pokemon, imagine pokemon rides at Disneyland! That would be awesome!
  5. PloKoon

    Pokemon Favorite tiny legendary

    celebi for sure!