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  1. Khion

    Keldeo/Blastoise Needs Help 4 States

    Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma I personally don't like Lugia EX because of the fact that you can only attack with it a max of 4 times. Not to say that it's a bad card mind you. Articuno EX is a little problematic too. Auto PRZ only works if you have Plasma Energy attached. Colress Machine helps...
  2. Khion


    Deck updated with latest improvements.
  3. Khion


    It was something I was looking at ash. Ill have a play and see how we go. Thanks :D
  4. Khion


    Thanks Check. I'm going to be play testing and fine tuning it today and will take your advice. It's not too bad for a quick list done at 2am lol
  5. Khion


    Sorry. Thank you for correcting it
  6. Khion


    Hey guys! Just wondering what advice you would have in tweaking this deck. This deck has been play tested briefly, with further play testing happening this weekend. So far, it has not faired well against RayEels, but slaughtered Darkrai/Hydreigon. POKEMON: 12 4 x Zubat (PLS, 53)...
  7. Khion

    ~~ Javier8100

    RE: Javier8100 +1 Awesome to work with!
  8. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    The two Electrike for the Exeggutor?
  9. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    What would you be willing to trade for the Exeggutor from that list? I'll do: Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release) Mismagius (19/90) x2 Slowpoke UD 3x Sages UD Ruins of Alph UD Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1 For your: Lucario (Other) Lucario RH DP Arcanine RH HGSS Pikachu Promo HGSS + If you have...
  10. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    The ones you have on your trade list.
  11. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    Slowking Prime is on hold for someone else, however if they don't make an offer within the next 2 days, then you'll be the next on the list. As for the others, I'm after the Lucario's & Arcanine's, along with anything you might have from my Wants list above.
  12. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    Thank you. :) And rules read. :)[hr] I'm sorry, you must have misread my post. I'm wanting most of the cards that you need. All of the cards that I have available are listed in the thread. Unfortunately, based on your list, there is nothing I'm after at the current time. Sorry I cannot help...
  13. Khion

    Khion's Trade List

    Please note that I am from Australia. I am willing to post Worldwide. This is all the cards I have for trade, excluding cards I need for my deck or want to keep. Warning: This is a long list. If a card is listed as "On Hold", this means that an offer for the card has been made but not...
  14. Khion

    Fake card text

    There was a walkthrough somewhere on how to make fake cards...where, I can't remember.
  15. Khion

    (2) Groundbreakers Delayed AGAIN, Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

    At the same time, the TFG is interesting to play. It's just a shame that it has been delayed yet again. I want the Lucario.[hr] Also, this is the information I've been given from PUI. If there are any changes I'll let you guys know.
  16. Khion

    Pokemon Pokemon in strange places?

    Where is that!? I wanna see! ^^
  17. Khion

    Fake card text

    One is Gill Sans Condensed and I believe the other is Futura MT Light
  18. Khion

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's My Player Thread (Read Main thread, before you post...also has: Eevee's) Hmmm... I voted yes...
  19. Khion

    Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

    I would get my fire Pokémon and go around starting forest fires!!! LOL No I would probably become a Dragon Trainer and wipe the floor with that rouge Magikarp over there *points* LOL