(2) Groundbreakers Delayed AGAIN, Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

RE: (1) Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

w00t first post

yay! but also boo. two good Lv X's reduced to tins. but at least we know that gigas is here to stay in our october set!
RE: (1) Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

Updated with Regi tin!
RE: (1) Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

Finally these cards come out. I remember back in March enving the Japanese getting these cards. ;p Anyway, Heatran can have its uses with Infernape and Magnezone, and I don't really like Regigigas that much. I love the artwork though.

dmaster out.
RE: (1) Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

It's sad that they've been put into tins, but at the same time it's kinda nice. No more blowing hundreds of dollars on packs hoping you get the card when you can get it out of the tin. However, I think they should've kept Gigas LV X a set exclusive and put something like Drapion LV X or the other promo LV Xs we never got in there instead. </short rant>

They do look nice, I s'pose...
RE: (1) Heatran LV.X and Regigigas LV.X Coming to America [8/24]

heatran looks useful, and they are starting to do that with lv. x's like porygon z O_O
._. The poor TFG is getting neglected. I was never into it, but it still seems weird that PUSA is delaying it even more. Maybe they're trying to release it along with the start of a TFG tournament season >.> Ahaha...Like that would happen...But yeah, I really wonder what's causing the delays.
Where did you get the news that Groundbreakers has been delayed again? I haven't heard anything from the distribution channels yet...
Oops. Looks like someone made a big mistake with the TFG. It will probably be like the SSBB release which took forever also. The tins look pretty cool. I can't wait for these tins as I do for any Pokemon tin because they always have good cards in them.:)
Water Pokémon Master said:
OP manager of Australia.

That's pretty messed up. If PUSA is delaying the release, why not inform the distribution channels already?

Why keep the retailers in the dark and let them continue to pre-sale the products thinking it will be released in September?
^lolz. TFG fails, its obvious. Failed franchise, and they don't care about it, so why should us consumers? X_X

dmaster out.
At the same time, the TFG is interesting to play. It's just a shame that it has been delayed yet again. I want the Lucario.

Also, this is the information I've been given from PUI. If there are any changes I'll let you guys know.
EmperorPenguin said:
ZOMG! Heatrans Lv X's mad combo with Magmortar Lv X's effect! Heatran and Magmortar Lv X FTW! O.O I quit! lol j/k

Geting 2 Lv.X's out? Nah, not great at ALL.:p

AMU can manage but Heatran will be a pain to set up.

Regigigas Lv.X has 150 HP? That's a lot for a basic.

Sacrifice is awesome. :D
don't start with me about AMU lolz.

Heatran lvx in the tin , worst thing ever.
I don't really care for the TFG , it's dumb and it was a fail release.