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    Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

    RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness! hey could i get a banner with celibi being shot by proffeser oak with a tree backroud?
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    Ash's final pokemon.

    RE: Ash's final two pokemon. ya that would rock team rocket all the way
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    Pokemon Pokemon- worship the devil?

    hey guys pikachu is going to eat u and kill u all muha ha ha ha ( just kidding) come on pokemon has nothing to do with any devils like come on i know this kid hes aloud to play yugioh but not pokemon becasue pokemon are devils so like come on pokemon is fun and not evil.
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    Ash's final pokemon.

    RE: Ash's final two pokemon. ash is to much of a noob hes not going to catch any more pokemon hes going to like save one then the owner finds it and gives it to him like every pokemon pretty much.
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    Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, Eggs, Pokeballs, Trophies, Glowing, Siamese

    hi could i get a fusion Fusion: What two Pokémon: empoleon and lucario Parts and Places fused: empoleon head lucario body and empoleon feet and lucario spikes on empoleons arms its a bit confusing if u make it ill put in a good word for your shop thanks:)
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    The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!) We're open!

    RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!) umm pepole i have asked for my fusion and kirbymon can i have them please!![hr]oh sorry guys i found it sorry:(:(
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    Ruling What kind of legit deck can i make?

    sorry if this hurts but i really cant see any good deck out of that it was more of a collection then good cards sorry but i dont think you will get much response there more of colectibles then good cards sorry:(
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    Ruling cards

    well it would be sold for hmmhmm well i have a list so it says $10 exact hope that helps
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    How many packs

    it took me 4 boxes to get it and then it got stolen :(
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    The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!) We're open!

    RE: The Elite Spriters Of Pokebeach! (Looking for the best? Look no more!) KirbyMon pokemon: empoleon, lucario and celibi fusion: empolon body lucario feet celibi arms and a mew head thanks
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    Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

    RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness! well i need a banner that has all the diffrent types of energy and saying ALL THE TYPES ARE THE THING THAT KEEPES ME ALIVE and with a dark backround
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    SnorlaxShamen's Big Old Shop Dress-Ups and Pins

    really i'm a straight A student sorry if i do over do it Ok then can i please get then any backround and a professor oak thanks :)
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    Spriters Paradise... we do it all! *(Mods Please lock)*

    RE: Spriters Paradise... we do it all! well hmm hmm if u really want just stick any backround that looks cool thanks:)[hr]ok ok people are telling me that there are no tranier cards that i want so... can i get a banner colour: red picture: 1 picture of ash and 1 picture of the BOY hero...
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    Spriters Paradise... we do it all! *(Mods Please lock)*

    RE: Spriters Paradise... we do it all! hmm ok then i will get a diffrent backround[hr]ok hmm i tryed to make it bigger try this
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    Spriters Paradise... we do it all! *(Mods Please lock)*

    RE: Spriters Paradise... we do it all! kk i got it i hope this one works if not can i get a picture of ash one thanks
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    Spriters Paradise... we do it all! *(Mods Please lock)*

    RE: Spriters Paradise... we do it all! ok no one is helping me and its pretty much making me mad i was apart of your club so i thought u could do this trainer card trainer card:) thanks!! i would like this back round ( i cant copy and paste it so go to this link)...
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    SnorlaxShamen's Big Old Shop Dress-Ups and Pins

    hey could i ask for a fusion with tyranitar and darkrai??[hr]trainer cards:) could i please get this please i would really like this trainer card thanks:) i would like this back round ( i cant copy and paste it so go to this link) and...
  18. D

    can people help me with a trainer card?? im really have no clue how to do it

    hi everyone would someone please help me im really new to making trainer cards i really really would love to have my name to be 120800 and all the shino badges i would like this back round ( i cant copy and paste it so go to this link)...