Pokemon Pokemon- worship the devil?

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Wow, that didn't sound sarcastic? Or you guys just don't know what sarcasm is? Well, it was pure sarcasm, I'm not even a catholic...
I wrote a six page essay on this very topic for school >.>

Any way, I'm not going to argue with anyone. I'm a christen, and I think it just comes down to this: either play the GAME, or don't.

Bolded Game because that is exactly what it is.

Now, I'm not aloud to play Yu-gi-oh, because I believe that it is a little demonic. You don't hear Pokemon Players say "I summon Pikachu", or "I return Piplup from the graveyard". That does sound like it's leaning in a different directions from Pokemon.
Besides.. If pokemon anime had a devil worship intent.. Then what do you call all those bloody Tv shows all the time? The work of angels and saints?
Im not saying that it is anything to do with the devil, im just bringing it up.
I doubt that the people that write the songs do worship the devil, but it is a very strange co-incidence...

I am a catholic, and I REALLY dont like my idea about this...
Sigh* here we go again. Its like 3rd grade all over again. When I was younger my mom Was getting rid of all my sister stuff like harry potter and magic cards, and my pokemon was next. She thought that Psychic and dark types are bad. My Thery is that psychic pokemon were there to prove the thery of mind over matter which is fighting type, and dark type was created to beat psychic since no one uses bug .

Plus If the creator worships the devil thats his thing, I dont so I dont care. Until He go all loco with it. creats A ton of pokemon of demons then Im just going to go play other games(like mario unles italion is the race of the devil)

Plus why is it always pokemon. people always go out of there way to destroy pokemon. go to naruto or yu-gi-oh. naruto mention demons most of the time and yo-gi-oh is just made by a guy who was hi on something.

I think this is my longest post everO.O.
P.S thanks for bringing back bad memorys hypertech I really appretiate it <= sarcasim
I've gotta get in on this. I've been a christian since I was six. I started playing pokemon when I was seven and was hooked. I've never heard of the creator of pokemon doing any of those things. If the song says that then it's AMERICANS faults. They wrote it. I've heard the same thing about Harry Potter. "It's satanic!". No it's not. Pokemon is a game a guy in Japan made to bring some fun into kids lives. Pokemon brings kids together to have fun and play. It's never been satanic and never will be.

End Transmission
I need to type this. Who really finds these things You really have to be trying to ruin pokemon to find these things and modifing them


sorry its just that when people take one of the only things Im good at and turns it into this It ticks me Off.
People who claim pokemon is satanic should get hit by a bus...
...Why is this thread still going on?
This Thread is getting very careful and it's like being in a cage with a cobra. If you want to flame on pokemon take a look at Crystal Shard(CG) and tell me what it looks like, that's the only thing I see wrong in Pokemon.
Listen to yourselves! Saying that pokemon is satanic is just nonsense! Just because if you play the theme backwards it says i worship the devil is just a coincidence. Maybe, those words when played backwards just sounds like it. It's a childrens show for crying out loud!!! And, would pokemon be about making friends with them if it were satanic? No.
Uhh.......Crystal Shard looks like a rock. :D OK, I've had this happen before, Pokemon IS NOT DEVILISH. Yu-Gi-Oh, is definately. I think there's a verse in Deuteronomy that says something about this. You can tell that half of the MONSTERS in YGO are like just not right. Pokemon, nothing is very bad...Pikachu? Satan like? He's an electric mouse.
hey guys pikachu is going to eat u and kill u all muha ha ha ha
( just kidding) come on pokemon has nothing to do with any devils like come on i know this kid hes aloud to play yugioh but not pokemon becasue pokemon are devils so like come on pokemon is fun and not evil.
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