Pokemon Pokemon- worship the devil?

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what an weird thing to discuss.....it feels so archaic!!
pokemon has got nothing to do with religion.
it only brings good motivation for children to do better things.....
Airman829 said:
Some people are just stupid with their own religion and get their hair in a knot over it.
People like that are funny, i tell them i worship satan just to see them freak (Magma King was right lol, i dont really worship satan).

There are not many christains or other relgions in japan
If you play ANYTHING backwords 1000 times looking for bad stuff, you'll find it. I bet you could even do that with the psalms. Second of all, I saw this on YouTube. It says 'mushteishta' or something, which you could carefully translate as 'much satan' in an Indonesian accent. Geez. I don't like talking about religion, I'm not religious. (Yeah, 'infidels go to Hell', whatever) But If I was religious, I wouldn't like my religion bashed.
I have heard this messages in songs unfortunately but it really doesn,t matter me I ain,t interested in those things against god and I have years with pokemon I dislike those people who are against god these things are called subliminal messages whatever my point is don,t care for those things if you aren,t interested in the devil and you are with god just follow liking pokemon and try to ignore these messages :F
Chatot said:

To freak the christians who take their religion way too seriously out
It worked too, and I got to shoot down a few bible thumpers while I was at it.
High five!

Actually, I agree, umbreon looks like the most horribly satanically evil creature ever. And Kadabra can bend spoons with his mind, this is magic, black magic, evil magic... It'll start bending people soon, mark my words.
And, oh my dear, dear god, of course the writer of that song put those words in on purpose. I think he just spoke that line, then taped it, played it backwards, and used whatever he heard, and, for some reason, it turned out to be usuable worlds :O THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! I think the devil created the English language.

Also, If you turn around "Nemo", you get "omen", the movie's about finding the omen, THE DEVIL'S WORK :O

J.K. Rowling is the daughter of the devil, obviously.

And, last but not least, Barney is a demonic creature, because, according to the religion, evolution never happened and dinosaurs never existed. BARNEY MUST BE THE DEVIL'S PET :O

That means... Satoshi is the devil himself, no doubt about it...
Even if that is the case, why would that mean Pokemon is bad? I mean dude, the human imagination can think of MANY, MANY things. You could be imagining it. If it is true though... so what? Fluffy bunnies and yellow electric mice aren't what you'd call 'devil worship.'
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Well, I have an interesting story to share about this.

Around, oh, I don't know, 1 1/2 years ago, I talk to my friend about getting him started in the TCG. He and his fmily are HIGHLYHIGHLYHIGHLY Christian, so he natrually had to ask his mom. She wrote in a letter to the Pope, and he replied with these EXACT words (We received a copy of the letter)

Dear ******

Pokemon is an extreme act of Satin. Most, if not ALL of these "monsters" resemble the Devil, Satin, and Hell. The names of these "monsters" are what terrifies me the most. They are resembled to the devil himself.

Pokemon is not allowed in any church that I run, or most churches. The creator must be a Satin Worsheper

I bolded the text that made me laugh.

First of all; he used the word "monsters" in COMPLETELY wrong text. Pokemon arent' MONSTERS (Even they're proclaimed to be)

Secondly: I agree with bacon. The show teaches kids MANY good things. And, its kinda boring, so you KNOW that he CAN'T worship the devil if he makes learning something about life boring.

Thirdly: Formost, I would like to say that no. The creator did NOT write the song. I would tell you who wrote the song... but I can't pronounce his name (or spell it... or remember it) but that's beside the point. If he worshiped the Devil, don't you think most of us (and the press) would've seen it by now?
The Pope can't spell "Satin". :p

On the contrary...

People who think pokemon are devil worship are bible thumpers who need to chill out
The bible says nothing about magic, nor does it say anything about it bieng from Satan
Airman829 said:
People who think pokemon are devil worship are bible thumpers who need to chill out
The bible says nothing about magic, nor does it say anything about it bieng from Satan

What is bieng?Do you mean being?I dont belive that pokemon has anything to do with the devil.People just have nothing better to do so they criticize stuff and blah blah blah....
I'm Catholic and some people really don't know the concept of Pokemon.
Some people says "Pokemon are Devils and Demons" and I am sick of it
It is very POSSIBLE that the one who uploads the backwards of Pokemon songs and proclaims that it says something like "I love SATAN" is an Anti-Pokemon Jerk who couldn't do much but annoy us all Pokemon Fans. So I say that we must believe and stand what we think is right, and I believe it DOES NOT mean worshipping the devil.

P.S. Airman829 worships the devil?
I have just got to say this...
Cute Mew
"qoute"High five!

Actually, I agree, umbreon looks like the most horribly satanically evil creature ever. And Kadabra can bend spoons with his mind, this is magic, black magic, evil magic... It'll start bending people soon, mark my words.
And, oh my dear, dear god, of course the writer of that song put those words in on purpose. I think he just spoke that line, then taped it, played it backwards, and used whatever he heard, and, for some reason, it turned out to be usuable worlds :O THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! I think the devil created the English language.

Also, If you turn around "Nemo", you get "omen", the movie's about finding the omen, THE DEVIL'S WORK :O

J.K. Rowling is the daughter of the devil, obviously.

And, last but not least, Barney is a demonic creature, because, according to the religion, evolution never happened and dinosaurs never existed. BARNEY MUST BE THE DEVIL'S PET :O

That means... Satoshi is the devil himself, no doubt about it... "qoute"

I am a proud christian and i find nothing wrong with any of the things, god loves us for who we are and will always forgive us we ask for it, and if god loves us all for who we are then he should love us no matter what we enjoy reading or playing or watching, and the name nemo means, little boy,
Ho-oh_Master said:
I'm Catholic and some people really don't know the concept of Pokemon.
Some people says "Pokemon are Devils and Demons" and I am sick of it
It is very POSSIBLE that the one who uploads the backwards of Pokemon songs and proclaims that it says something like "I love SATAN" is an Anti-Pokemon Jerk who couldn't do much but annoy us all Pokemon Fans. So I say that we must believe and stand what we think is right, and I believe it DOES NOT mean worshipping the devil.

P.S. Airman829 worships the devil?
I'm a Catholic too. The Pope is not anti-Pikachu. :O
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