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  1. S

    Creating a Pokemon PC Strategy Game!

    Here are a couple screenshots, as you can see, the game hasn't been pretty-fied yet, but several of the functions of the game are now functional: The beginning of the first Gym Leader battle. After the first three Pokemon are placed, two more slots open up and another set of Pokemon are dealt...
  2. S

    Pokemon Ghost Pokemon easier to catch?

    <i>There's no Pokemon easier to catch than another, (y'all know what I mean. No I Lv.3 Weedle is easier than Kyogre now). </i> Check Serebii's D/P dex, it has listings for the catch rates of each Pokemon, and there is a wide range of values.
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    Pokemon Eevee More|or| Eevee Much?

    There are already too many, I was fine with the first three!
  4. S

    Creating a Pokemon PC Strategy Game!

    I definitely will; after all, what is the point in making it if I don't show it off :) I'll probably post some screenshots to better give an idea of what I'm doing. There are a lot of decisions to be made still, mostly with how battles work themselves out. Giving some (mostly powerful or...
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    Ruling Theme Deck

    If you are gonna play competitively, none of them are too spectacular I'd imagine. My girlfriend and I just play casually with each other and we both liked our DF Feraligatr and Power Keepers Mightyena decks. Just pick one that has Pokémon you like.
  6. S

    Creating a Pokemon PC Strategy Game!

    MASSIVE EDIT: Please the site for the game at . The game will be very similar to Cartoon Orbit and feature characters, items, and locations from many popular animes, comics, TV shows, movies, etc. So far I have planned Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon to be...
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    Busy, CN Airing Tons of Episodes Today and Tomorrow, 1st amendment video soon - Sat

    RE: Busy i just want an unlimited dex like the modified one on here! that'd make me happy!
  8. S

    They are taking out each others, Backwards!

    Of course Infernape's first attack has a 1/32 chance of OHKOing Empoleon and 1/16 chance of OHKOing Torterra...