They are taking out each others, Backwards!


Aspiring Trainer
Guess what I just saw!

See on this card for a bit:

Do you see! If you plays a fully loaded Torterra against a fully loaded Infernape (all energys they need for the strongest attack and full health), and they only uses the strongest attack, Torterra wins! And if you sent out a fully loaded Torterra against a fully loaded Empoleon, Empoleon wins. But if you sent out Infernape VS Empoleon, Empoleon wins. Only funny facts from my first post on this forum!

EDIT: My evil eyes tricked me! Torterra wins against Empoleon to! Torterra rulez!!!!

EDIT 2: I forgett! This is only if there's no Poké-POWERS, Poké-BODIES, Pokémon Tools, Trainers, Stadiums or Supporters activated!
Yeah, usually, Infernape easily beats Torterra - he just needs a recharger. Empoleon beats Infernape with no problem. Torterra can beat both. However, due to the different energy costs, its impossible to determine a clear winner.