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  1. Dangerous36M

    Competitive Battling Discussion Of The Week 24

    This. PO has followed along with Smogon, as it should, and as PokeBeach should.
  2. Dangerous36M


  3. Dangerous36M

    PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

    RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List Psh. vote: stay
  4. Dangerous36M

    Bippa, It'll all depend on how active I end up being, but yeah :P. Thanks.

    Bippa, It'll all depend on how active I end up being, but yeah :P. Thanks.
  5. Dangerous36M

    Competitive Battling Discussion Of The Week 24

    Running Brick Break means you have zero chance against Forretress or Skarm, while phazing Dragonite out with SR up deals with it just fine. On top of that I doubt +1 Brick Break even OHKO's Heatran in the first place.
  6. Dangerous36M

    Pride, Haha, cool.

    Pride, Haha, cool.
  7. Dangerous36M

    bacon, Thanks!

    bacon, Thanks!
  8. Dangerous36M

    Theorymon Exercises - Week 5

    Oh wow you're right, it does have wings. THIS MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE TO NOT BE TRUE.
  9. Dangerous36M

    Theorymon Exercises - Week 5

    I don't know who mentioned it and don't really feel like reading it all back, but a recovery move of some sort would definitely be an awesome addition. I'd love to be able to utilize a somewhat defensive phazing set with both Rocky Helmet and Rough Skin instead of having to rely on Protect +...