Theorymon Exercises - Week 5

Professor Palutena

The Queen
After a brief hiatus, we're back with more Theorymon. This week, we'll be looking at:

Type: Dragon
Abilities: Rough Skin / Sheer Force / Mold Breaker
Stats: 77 HP / 120 Atk / 90 Def / 60 Sp.A / 90 Sp.D / 48 Spe

Notable Moves:
-Hone Claws
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Tail
-Sucker Punch
(Mighty small list there)

Druddigon is the poster child for an inferiority complex; why does it exist? When compared to Haxorus, Druddigon only has 1 HP (very useless) and 20 Sp.D base points over Haxorus, and it loses in every other stat except for Sp.A, which they tie. Outside of a Trick Room niche, and possibly Sucker Punch, there's no reason to use this Pokemon.

So, what can we do to improve Druddigon?
Dragon Rush. Sheer Force STAB Dragon Rush=not fun. A stronger Fire type move suc as Flare Blitz or even Fire Punch would mae him able to deal with steels easier. He kinda needs better attack now, because as it is now every single stat is outclassed by other dragons.
Dragon Rush is garbage, though...

There are many Pokemon which would never be used except for a specific niche that they fulfill. Dragon-type Trick Room rapist is Druddigon's niche, so I think we should focus on capitalizing on that.

Instead of giving him Dragon Rush, why not just change Outrage? Give it a 10% chance to raise the user's Special Defense by 1 level. This way the damage would be boosted by Sheer Force and would give people a reason to use him, even out of Trick Room. Move 10 points from Special Attack into Attack and you're gold.
First of all it is a Dragon-type so it should at bare minimum learn Dragon Dance. This would boost its Speed and Attack which could help it become better than Hydreigon, but only if we also improve its rather limited movepool. It appears to have wings so I don't see why it shouldn't get Roost. Apparantly it never uses them. I think that could actually make it competitively viable in OU with just those two move additions.
Poison as a secondary typing would help this guy quite a lot. It sounds goofy, but the ability to absorb Fighting attacks and U-turn would really help him abuse Rough Skin (And make him a fun answer to Rotom + Scizor combos). You could also do Dragon and Steel but I don't think that's as cool, to be honest!
I was thinking a Bulky Offensive Sweeper, one that doesn't need speed like Reuniclus or Conkeldurr. For starters, boost it's Hp way higher and boost it's defenses slightly higher. Give it Bulk Up for a boosting move and add Stone Edge to complete EdgeQuake and to add a move that Sheer Force can abuse.
bacon said:
Poison as a secondary typing would help this guy quite a lot. It sounds goofy, but the ability to absorb Fighting attacks and U-turn would really help him abuse Rough Skin (And make him a fun answer to Rotom + Scizor combos). You could also do Dragon and Steel but I don't think that's as cool, to be honest!

I fully support this idea. Poison + Dragon comes out with some very nice resistances: Fire, Water, Grass (x4), Electric, Fighting, Poison, and Bug. Cool collection with some commonly used types. It does gain a Ground- and Psychic-type weaknesses but both can be worked around. It would also be able to pick up Toxic Spikes and could be justifiably given Toxic Spikes as well (seems like Spikes would be a move it could already carry... based on its appearance). Boost up its Defensive stats a little and it could be a really nice Pokemon.

Edit: Dragon Dance with 48 Speed? I'm not sure if that's the best route to go without increasing its speed to atleast 70. Bulk Up, Curse, Sword Dance seem like better moves for it.
Agreeing with Bacon with the addition of a Poison type. VoltTurn cores are very high in usage, and so I'm use Druddigon would see some use as a solid check to them. Roost would also be a nice addition to its movepool, and I would think that a physical fire move would help it further counter the VoltSwitch core. I also like that it would be able to absorb Toxic Spikes.
I agree with the above, Druddigon would be /much/ better if it had a recovery move; however, as it stands it's meant to take a couple hits and retaliate back with a choice banded or life orb hit for massive damage. It's obviously inferior to many of the other dragons out there, but seeing as it's in the (Smogon standard) RU tier, it's fairly good, and probably one of the most powerful physical attackers there.

Obviously dragon dance would be a great boost, though I don't seeing it getting that speedy before it gets willo'ed.

It simply fills a niche being one of the only dragons in the lower tiers.

It'd be cool if it got hazards in the form of SR/spikes, it would make an awesome support pokemon *_*.
I don't know who mentioned it and don't really feel like reading it all back, but a recovery move of some sort would definitely be an awesome addition. I'd love to be able to utilize a somewhat defensive phazing set with both Rocky Helmet and Rough Skin instead of having to rely on Protect + Leftovers as my only form of recovery.

The fact that they removed Sleep Talk as a TM doesn't exactly support its cause either :(
Dangerous36M said:
The fact that they removed Sleep Talk as a TM doesn't exactly support its cause either :(

Yeahhhhh but its not the biggest loss since the new sleep mechanics really nerfed Rest since you always have to wait those 2 turns if you switch out. Druddigon does have wings so its not inconceivable for it to have Roost even though its not Flying-type. Much like Flygon.
Pride said:
Yeahhhhh but its not the biggest loss since the new sleep mechanics really nerfed Rest since you always have to wait those 2 turns if you switch out. Druddigon does have wings so its not inconceivable for it to have Roost even though its not Flying-type. Much like Flygon.

Oh wow you're right, it does have wings. THIS MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE TO NOT BE TRUE.
Give it better Speed and Own Tempo. This would give Druddigon his own niche as a Outrage spammer that doesn't have to worry about confusion.