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  1. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    Oh yeah I never thought about houndoom prime :D Thanks for he advice! :D
  2. Lawliet

    Miss Plume (HGSS on)

    idk xP
  3. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    I was thinking about making like a status monster deck. Like the optimal idea would be to have leafeon (CoL) as your active and like hypno (HgSs) Roserade (Un) and keep placing torkoal (Un) and seekering (is it a word?) him back into your hand to keep getting about (1-3) statuses a turn which...
  4. Lawliet

    Miss Plume (HGSS on)

    Pokemon :20 4-2-4 Vileplume (Ud) 3-3 Mismagius (CoL) 2-2 Banette (T) Energy:13 8 Psychic 4 Rainbow 1 Grass Trainers :27 2 Proffesor Juniper 2 Black Belt 3 Pokemon Collector 2 Switch 3 Rare Candy 2 Flower Shop Lady 2 Seeker 2 Revive 3 Professor Oaks New Theory 3 Twins 3...
  5. Lawliet

    Miss Plume (HGSS on)

    Pokemon :20 4-2-4 Vileplume (Ud) 3-3 Mismagius (CoL) 2-2 Banette (T) Energy:16 8 Psychic 8 Grass Trainers :24 1 Proffesor Juniper 4 Plus Power 3 Pokemon Collector 2 Switch 2 Rare Candy 1 Flower Shop Lady 2 Seeker 2 Revive 3 Professor Oaks New Theory 2 Junk Arm 2 Professor...
  6. Lawliet

    Deck Discussion

    I was thinking a leafeon (CoL) mixed with roserade (unleashed) torkoal (unleashed) and hypno (HgSs) would work really well. It would be a bit of set up but when your doing like 2 or 3 statuses a turn leafeon could sweep pretty well. Any suggestions or anything?
  7. Lawliet

    The 'I Pulled Something Trubbish' Thread

    At a prerealeses i always have TERRIBLE luck while whoever sit next to me has godmode luck. At the B/W prerealease I pulled like 2 stage and basic of like every evolution line and couldn't win a single match. My friend who sat next to me in his 6 packs he got the super rare reshiram and zekrom...
  8. Lawliet

    Been done before probably

    I was thinking a leafeon (CoL) mixed with roserade (unleashed) torkoal (unleashed) and hypno (HgSs) would work really well. It would be a bit of set up but when your doing like 2 or 3 statuses a turn leafeon could sweep pretty well. Any suggestions or anything?
  9. Lawliet

    A deck idea.

    I'm sure it's been done before but I wanna know if it could work. Could putting mismagius (undaunted) combined with with the vileplume (undaunted) be any good? I was thinking the vilplume would lead to a high trainer count in both players hands meaning mismagius could sweep well. I was also...