• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Miss Plume (HGSS on)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon :20
4-2-4 Vileplume (Ud)
3-3 Mismagius (CoL)
2-2 Banette (T)

8 Psychic
8 Grass

Trainers :24
1 Proffesor Juniper
4 Plus Power
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Switch
2 Rare Candy
1 Flower Shop Lady
2 Seeker
2 Revive
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Junk Arm
2 Professor Elm
I'm guessing its not that good xD. I kinda thought of the idea (prolly someone else did first but whatever) and I liked it so why not. If you couldn't tell basically the objective is to get out vileplume early which leads to a high hand count (with lots of trainers obviously) which powers up mismagius and banette. Obviously theres flaws I mean both of my main attackers have like 80 hp :p. Oh yeah I can also use seeker to get back vileplume to use my trainers quickly if theres a need. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you.
I was thinking about making this deck after rotation but not quite with this combo of pokemon...wasn't thinking of banette so it's still your original idea :)

well, without BTS, it's going to be tough to seeker vileplume because you'll have to wait two turns to trainer lock again (or 1 turn with rare candy) but with one turn your opponent will use up all of the trainers they can. they wouldn't have much left in their hand by the time you get vileplume back up, so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. so I'd consider taking that out, but then again it could be helpful to reset your two attackers. so with only 2 seekers, it should be fine. (just not for vileplume :])

also, if you're planning on attacking with vileplume, then you're in trouble. it''s not nearly a good enough attack to justify 8 grass energies in your deck. at least make it 3 or 4 rainbows then use the rest of the room for beefing up your supporter amounts.

I'd take out plus power because you'll probably be doing enough damage as it is with poltregeist, and you're planning on using poltregeist, then you can't really be using plus power anyway as a trainer. I'd take out junk arm as well, because using a trainer to find a trainer card in your trainer lock deck...well....I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.

I'd leave rare candy and switch because those could be very helpful early-game before you can get vileplume set up.

with all of those trainers and grass energies you take out, just add more of the supporters you already have, and I'd also put in twins (which replaces junk arm and adds quicker setup when you fall behind to get back into the game.) and black belt (which replaces pluspower)
Ghost Bear said:
I was thinking about making this deck after rotation but not quite with this combo of pokemon...wasn't thinking of banette so it's still your original idea :)

well, without BTS, it's going to be tough to seeker vileplume because you'll have to wait two turns to trainer lock again (or 1 turn with rare candy) but with one turn your opponent will use up all of the trainers they can. they wouldn't have much left in their hand by the time you get vileplume back up, so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. so I'd consider taking that out, but then again it could be helpful to reset your two attackers. so with only 2 seekers, it should be fine. (just not for vileplume :])

also, if you're planning on attacking with vileplume, then you're in trouble. it''s not nearly a good enough attack to justify 8 grass energies in your deck. at least make it 3 or 4 rainbows then use the rest of the room for beefing up your supporter amounts.

I'd take out plus power because you'll probably be doing enough damage as it is with poltregeist, and you're planning on using poltregeist, then you can't really be using plus power anyway as a trainer. I'd take out junk arm as well, because using a trainer to find a trainer card in your trainer lock deck...well....I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.

I'd leave rare candy and switch because those could be very helpful early-game before you can get vileplume set up.

with all of those trainers and grass energies you take out, just add more of the supporters you already have, and I'd also put in twins (which replaces junk arm and adds quicker setup when you fall behind to get back into the game.) and black belt (which replaces pluspower)

Pokemon :20
4-2-4 Vileplume (Ud)
3-3 Mismagius (CoL)
2-2 Banette (T)

8 Psychic
4 Rainbow
1 Grass

Trainers :27
2 Proffesor Juniper
2 Black Belt
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Switch
3 Rare Candy
2 Flower Shop Lady
2 Seeker
2 Revive
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
3 Twins
3 Professor Elm
Thanks for the advice! :D I just wanted to add banette because hes my favorite pokemon lol So like this?