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  1. Kurohari Prodigy

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? Zangoose and Seviper evos! It's not as though the evolution mechanic is unfeasible, just rinse and repeat what Sneasel and Gligar got. Not to mention that Sev/Zang only have 28 points higher for a BST, thus making it a very...
  2. Kurohari Prodigy

    XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

    To append to this thought, also more fire types this gen, the past couple generations have been quite lacking in terms of fire type imo. With the point in the trailer where the PC is on the web with dew on it, I would have to guess that that would be a bug gym. The one with the flaming...
  3. Kurohari Prodigy

    XY Enemy Team and their motivation?

    I'm agreeing with the original post first idea. Giovanni's scientists (not necessarily Team Rocket, but associated with them) cloned Mew to create Mewtwo. Team Plasma-2 really didn't have much to do with DNA, yes there were the splicers, but those were an ancient artifact naturally associated...