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  1. THIRD

    Use pokepower or not?Tech in manectric or not?

    Actually Rampardos is faster than machamp when GC comes out. In conclusion, now pokepower have it's disadvantage now and it's fairer thing.
  2. THIRD

    Use pokepower or not?Tech in manectric or not?

    Now if we try to play deck without pokepower, will it be disadvantage or advantage? I'm still don't know yet if tech in manectric just to use claydol in non-ampharos deck really worth all the hassle considering it takes more spot in bench and deck now. Or use claydol/uxie without manectric...
  3. THIRD

    Come here for username changes.

    Hello. Please, can you help me to change my name to THIRD Thank you^^
  4. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    I won't really hype much about Blastoise-Delcatty or Ampharos-Manetric. Both are great but they are easily counter-able (Rampardos > ampharos-manetric > blastoise-delcatty) so there's still unknown which GC deck dominating this format yet. I'm realized that I'm still not said yet what's my...
  5. THIRD

    Best Deck this season

    Pokepower dependant deck like AMU will become so risky after GC coming out. Decks like AMU will be trashed easily with 30 spread damage by manetric GC with measly 30 energy, Ampharos GC just make it worse. After SF, AMU should use 4 unown G for many matchup with gengar and machamp.
  6. THIRD

    GC Trainer Cards!

    If you still use claydol, TGW maybe still better. What the hell!? I prefer Handsome's Invetigation for it's flexibility anyway =p
  7. THIRD

    GC Trainer Cards!

    Really excited,don't you? Considering we won't see all that card until at least next year. Though G-105 poketurn is really epic...
  8. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    From what I see from this set... Straight Ampharos > Ampharos-Manetric > Blastoise-Delcatty > Blaziken > Shaymin ...and so on. It's funny how easy ampharos-manetric shut down blastoise-delcatty deck with their heavy dependant on pokepower and weakness, forced them to tech in manetric itself.
  9. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    The catch about palkia lv.x is your opponent choose which pokemon discarded from bench, they can just discard unneeded azelf or spiritomb easily,so not that gamebreaking compared to dusknoir and may not worth bench space.
  10. THIRD

    Ruling Shaymin...

    Then it's just as you previously said,they are treated as same name and should can evolve both way. Fire houndoom and dark houndoom are good example for this.
  11. THIRD

    Ruling Shaymin...

    It's just my guess but I think that shaymin sky form and shaymin normal form treated as different pokemon name just like deoxys and gastrodon(west sea and east sea). So you can play 8(4 normal+4 sky form) shaymin in one deck.
  12. THIRD

    Best Deck this season

    Even T2 empoleon with rare candy outspeed by Kingdra with just one energy. 3 energy kinda hard to keep on and it will soften your bench pokemon hp too if you get tail flip. My mistake about snowpoint temple,I thought it give 30 hp. No one played deoxys and castform? It looks like cute deck.
  13. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    No doubt shaymin and leafeon lv.x will see play, but I don't think sceptile will see much play as for now. Even people prefer leafeon lv.x than sceptile for energy engine.
  14. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    Yes, grass is biggest obstacle to rampardos to become popular just like what they did to Kingdra now(Kingdra usually lost to leafeon-torterra variant) and grass can easily stall Rampardos with torterra's big hp and shaymin lv.x pokebody. Well, blaziken GC is beast too with heatran lv.x as tech.
  15. THIRD

    Getting way too excited about GC...

    Allow me to show a new card from GC then,that will replace Kingdra popularity in term of fast donk deck. Rampardos LV.54 – Fighting – HP130 Stage 2 – Evolves from Cranidos Poke-Body: Iron Skull Any damage done to your opponent’s Pokemon by this Pokemon’s attacks bypasses Resistance...
  16. THIRD

    (1) Galactic's Conquest Scans and Translations [10/8]

    Rampardos is best T2 donk I have seen for a while o_O.Just 1 energy for 80 damage, bypass anything, and can boosted by weakness(hello ampharos and raichu lv.x) too are insane! This is needed boost for fossil archetype that rarely seen play as main strategy. May have great chance to become...
  17. THIRD

    Ruling Newbe Questions

    OHKO is one hit KO,not zero.
  18. THIRD

    Best Deck this season

    My bad, it's actually 100-120 hp,it's vary between basic and lv.x version. Why I think AMU outspeed empoleon? Maybe because of ease AMU set up. All of them are just basic and lv.x ,roseanne and premiere ball get them out fast and they have many option with their attacks and pokepower without...
  19. THIRD

    Best Deck this season

    Not really, AMU have snowpoint temple and that make their hp 100-130 average and if they can outspeed many deck. Unfornately dawn stadium isn't good enough compared to snowpoint temple and no windstorm in this format.
  20. THIRD

    Best Deck this season

    Empoleon not played that often anymore because AMU and kingdra variant outspeed him. I guess when SF out,T2 deck will be played more often because of more trainers especially great ball and pokedrawer. And slow set up decks will have really hard time with T2 donk decks like scizor,machamp...