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  1. C

    Pokemon Vote for PokéBeach's Favorite Pokémon! (Semifinals)

    RE: Vote for PokeBeach's Favorite Pokemon! (Semifinals) Ha ha, same here. x) I didn't even notice. o.o
  2. C

    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: HAVES: Shiny Shiny Wartortle, Shiny Pancham, Shiny Pumpkaboo, Shiny Skorupi, more! WANTS: Shinies! Ditto friend safari! Perfect Chansey! What size is the Gourgiest?
  3. C

    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon in X / Y: Less Rare & More Special Is it male or female? (Male Pyroars are fairly rare.)
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets There's a boarded up one. Does it open up when you do the sidequest?
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Has anyone tried bringing all 3 legendary birds there? Only one appears in each game, right?
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    XY Vivillon Secret of the Wings! Colours & Locations! Possible New wings!

    RE: Vivillon: Location For Various Colours I was hoping I'd get Polar in Washington, instead I got High Plains... :(
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    (1) Xerneas-EX, Yveltal-EX, Venusaur-EX, and Blastoise-EX from XY Collections Revealed! [10/10]

    I'm glad they're not just doing legendary EXs any more. c:
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    (1) Rules Changes Coming with X/Y TCG [9/27]

    They added a flip to Catcher but they still haven't removed the BW Rare Candy Errata. >_<
  9. C

    Hello. :3

    Hello. :3
  10. C

    (1) 'Red Genesect Collection' Contents [9/19]

    This is probably the best pre-made deck there is. o_o Two of these gets you a RH playset of most staples. :D
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    Darkrai EX / Sableye / Garbodor Deck Help

    RE: Darkrai EX/ Sableye/ Garbodor deck help Crushing hammer will probably be reprinted in the next set due to the reprint in the Kyurem+Blastoise halfdeck in Japan.
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    Is there more to the Metagame than Archetype'd Decks?

    It's always been like this, with any metagame.
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    (1) November Release for 2013 World Championship Decks [9/13]

    Poor kids who pick up a Goth/Accelgor deck and have no idea what to do. xD
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    Is there more to the Metagame than Archetype'd Decks?

    People play decks that are good and have the ability to win. It's just how any metagaame works.
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    What is the Top 16 Eevee deck list?

    He wrote an article on it: It explains everything about the deck, as well as the battles he played.
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    For your Drifblim line, I would play one of each. They go together very well.
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    (1) November's English Set: 'Legendary Treasures' [8/19]

    Where did you learn that? Usually English sets are made up of random cards we haven't gotten from Japan yet, not just 1 set.
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    Playing Garbador and Celebi is just jumping through too many hoops, I would just drop them and add a 2-2 Masquerain (PLB) line.
  19. C

    Junk Rares you're sick of pulling.

    Sableye PLF /thread