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  1. G

    Ruling about skarmory ex

    Yust like I told before; You should use skarmory ex and unown i. Explain;unown i let comme out a weak pokemon and burns and confuses it. Your oponent wil get stuck because he's confused and he maybe wil only hurts itself so it has to retreat but skarmory is placing damage to if he retreats.If...
  2. G

    Tues, Wed, Sat, 1/30-2/2, EX Power Keepers Scans and Set List, Meiji Promos

    RE: Tuesday, 1/30, Thirty-Five EX Power Keepers Scans Mightyena is superART
  3. G

    Super Shop!!! [plz lock, for everyone check my forums]

    RE: Super Shop!!! can you make houndoom and salamanse