Ruling about skarmory ex


Shinegami Pokemon Master
the pokebody of skarmory ex is quite a new breakthrough, is the poke-body damage activated by trainer cards(pokemon reversal, etc.) or poke-powers(driving howl, darker ring, etc.). IS that concidered retreating???
No. Retreating is well defined and can only be done once per turn. Trainer cards, attacks, poke-powers, etc. that move a pokemon to or from the bench are not the same thing.
From the rulebook:

When you take your Active Pokemon and switch it with one of your Benched Pokemon. To retreat, you must discard Energy from the retreating Pokemon equal to the Retreat Cost of the Pokemon. This cost appears in the lower right-hand corner of the card. You can only retreat once per turn.

The key word in there is "you." Cards like Pokemon Reversal and Darker Ring involve the card user choosing the replacements, not the player that controls the Pokemon. So in any of these cases, his power would not activate.

Cards like Switch or Warp Point wouldn't work either because you aren't retreating via the Retreat conditions, since you are not paying energy to retreat. Plus, you can use Warp Point and Switch in the same turn, IN ADDITION to retreating normally. If those were considered retreating, you'd only be restricted to using one of these methods per turn.
Yust like I told before;
You should use skarmory ex and unown i.
Explain;unown i let comme out a weak pokemon and burns and confuses it.
Your oponent wil get stuck because he's confused and he maybe wil only hurts itself so it has to retreat but skarmory is placing damage to if he retreats.If the defending pokemon is getting stronger or can retreat with a benched pokemon you schould take out another weak pokemon out and... until the most pokemon are weakened then you schould send out absol ex to put an end at it.