Search results

  1. Galactiratina

    What is the best Competitive Deck?

    I still don't know my playstyle yet maybe because i'm a crud player but I make wonderful decklists. SP FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!
  2. Galactiratina

    what shall I play at my locals today?

    I've been toying around with my dialga G lvx I got on tuesday from a pack. I've made a good list which doesn't use toxitank or stadiums. that way I can focus more on speed. I also have a luxray gl lvx and hippowdon lvx. I am a good deckbuilder and I just need to know which will work best...
  3. Galactiratina

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. 1 Dialga G lvx!!!!!! 3 CHARONS CHOICE 1 mow rotom another alakazam 4 lvx 1 Hippowdon lvx 1 Luxray lvx I pulled these all from different boxes. it looks like the left row about the 8-12 pack has a lvx. I was very picky with the...
  4. Galactiratina

    Shop of Chocolate Twilight-*CLOSED AND DEAD*

    RE: Shop of Chocolate Twilight What you want- banner Text (Optional)- Palkiazam pwns you all! Artist- 42 choco or celtics kid Images- renders of alakazam 4 lvx and palkia g lvx. Animation- palkia and alakazam aternating every 2 seconds. if you see gliscor's avvy you'll know what I mean...
  5. Galactiratina

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. lots of RR. got zam lvx, flygon, charons choice, heatom, and loads of others. I got that raichu gl I badly needed.
  6. Galactiratina

    The Current Direction of the Game

    I totally agree. I still think potf will bring something good!
  7. Galactiratina

    Nationals Practice Room

    You are calling me a rookie??? I may be 12 but i can kick your @55
  8. Galactiratina

    Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

    RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] if I missed your request let me know! Banner Text - Bringin' you down! Artist - Flygon999 Image - Gardevoir lvx on the left, Dialga g lvx on the right. Animation - Text flashing, lightning Background - purple around gardy and blue around...
  9. Galactiratina

    New Redshark Network, testing 4 Nationals!

    i'm in. can you tell me how i set it up?
  10. Galactiratina

    "4" symbol

    yeah, its' another new brand of SP
  11. Galactiratina

    "4" symbol

    it can be found in the new RR cards
  12. Galactiratina

    this is getting out of order

    most of the time this is what attracts people to the deck. recently my decks have been veiwing good. anyway that deck has been getting a lot of views.
  13. Galactiratina

    Nationals Practice Room

    i'll join, can someone battle me now?
  14. Galactiratina

    this is getting out of order

    Thanks I knew this would apply to other people aswell just on their behalf too.
  15. Galactiratina

    this is getting out of order

    this may apply to other people aswell but this is extreme. i am literally sick of peole not posting to my decks. you see other people's decks which get 100+ views in the first hour while mine don't even get to ten in a week. if someone has a personal grudge or something say it here please.
  16. Galactiratina

    how do you input your status?

    thanks a bunch.
  17. Galactiratina

    how do you input your status?

    just wondering how you post that mini signature under your avatar. hate having the status rookie.
  18. Galactiratina

    Bosley's Binder - Update! [H] Lots, 5 Claydols, Tons of Xs!

    RE: Bosley's Binder - [H] Lots, Claydols, Platinum, Etc. i'd like your dialga g level x and 2 claydol. i have 2 power spray 4 energy gain 4 poke turn and i've got the crobat and dialga you need. i also need four rare candy