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  1. N

    (1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

    Meh. I play too slow.. I just finished the 2nd Gym.
  2. N

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    What's going to happen after we beat the game? A female CACTURNE? V V V MALE: FEMALE: A LUVDISC evo? >>> And a SPINDA evo? >>>
  3. N

    (2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

    RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6] A sandslash evo? hahaha.. But I'm hoping that it's a new pokemon and not evolution of the previous generation's pokemon.