(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

A sandslash evo? hahaha.. But I'm hoping that it's a new pokemon and not evolution of the previous generation's pokemon.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]


my vision


I will draw more :3
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Anyone else see a legendary here? I am so having one of these in my team.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

We've reached a record high of 800 something members just of one Pokemon silhouette =0

My vision is something like Evil Sonic's. In the trailer, on illusion that "Z" made was an evil Ash, so I'm guessing the Pokemon would look dark and pretty harsh.

Edit: Ninja'd. I don't know. When Lucario was first revealed, everyone (I do believe) thought he was a Legendary. Turned out that Lucario was just a really hyped evolved Pokemon. Might be the same case with "Z".
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Looks Like Fire/Fighting....Hm...looks like a Fox..I'd say this...might just not even be the "Z" Pokemon.Just some random new one.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Gliscor said:
We've reached a record high of 800 something members just of one Pokemon silhouette =0

which i posted earlier :)

I hope its water :D
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Looks like a Skuntank evo XD.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

that just brings me here:

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I don't like the style of this Pokémon...It should be like in the 1st and 2nd generation. Based on animals which you can recognize at the first sight! (second).
Z just looks like a grown up Sonic!
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Personally, I think it could be the new trio leader, having each member of the trio represent some sort of illusion, such as love or...I don't know, desperation?
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

In my opinion it's a dark or fighting pokemon, or an alternate form of shaymin (hope it's not:p)

guys, don't forget that some ninetails are able to create ilussions, i remember one pokemon episode were ash and folks visited some abandoned mansion(obviusly followed by team rocket) and in it lived a ninetales that made them think a lot of things (the only thing i can remember is that team rocket thought that they were eating some delicious food but it were leavesxD
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

colo.-87 said:
In my opinion it's a dark or fighting pokemon, or an alternate form of shaymin (hope it's not:p)

guys, don't forget that some ninetails are able to create ilussions, i remember one pokemon episode were ash and folks visited some abandoned mansion(obviusly followed by team rocket) and in it lived a ninetales that made them think a lot of things (the only thing i can remember is that team rocket thought that they were eating some delicious food but it were leavesxD

Thing is, Ninetales is supposed to be based off of a fox. Judging by the silhouette, it looks like "Z" is some sort of hedgehog. It could be an evolution of Ninetales, but I really doubt it.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

you have the point there
well, i really hope that it's a new pokemon, no lucario evolution or shaymin new form-.-

PS: to the guy that did the painting of Z with a brownish background: i really liked it, may be I use it for my MSN picture:p
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Well i really hope its an 5th gen pokemon... But!!! In the poster of the movie!!! Celebi is right in the middle of the scene!! So.... That means celebi is the primary character of the movie... Maybe... Z is an alternate forme of celebi? I can't say it is... But also can't say its not.... My mind is wide open for options... The fact is that wether its an alternate of celebi or not... We are getting a 5th gen game, 'cause if we're not... Where can we have this silhouette pokemon?? It is not programmed in the hg,ss,pt codes.... So it is for sure a new pokemon.. Maybe we could see Z in tracks of lights? I don't know.... Thats just me thinking
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

It looks a little like Lucario with a huge amount of hair. But that is just a guess, I could be wrong, but that to me is what it looks like.

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I want cool werewolf legendary pokemon hm...like fenrir :3