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  1. Silver Maestro

    Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

    Well, last year when I was in grade 7 and I got picked on for liking pokemon, well I chose #1. If you just don't show them that you care, they will leave you alone and stop after a little while. Because if you get angry when they pick on you, they will just want to pick on you more...
  2. Silver Maestro

    Mew LvX

    {P} I think that if they made a mew Lv.X, then they should use the pokepower that Greenbeetless provided, and the attack "Metronome" that ShinyMew89 provided... BUT NO REPRINTS!!!
  3. Silver Maestro

    I could use a little pointer!

    Thank you bunches!{L}
  4. Silver Maestro

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    I can't wait until the new stormfront cards come out, because I am going to buy like $500.00 trying to get all of the Stormfront cards so I can try to build my new deck!
  5. Silver Maestro

    I could use a little pointer!

    Hello, Im new here, as well as new to the TCG era of pokemon, and I was wondering if you all think that I should start off with buying the newer cards, or if I should go to a trading club of somesort, and start off with some classics! (I'm sorry if this isn;t in the right area to be asking, but...
  6. Silver Maestro

    Finished What Pokemon are you?

    you are a mewtwo, You seem to be knowledegable and confused all at the same time.