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  1. G

    Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

    RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime My: Gengar Lv.X Mew Prime Tyranitar Prime x2 Steelix Prime x1 Scizor Prime x1 Magnazone Prime x1 Your: Luxray Lv.X ??
  2. G

    Magnezone (cities, masters.)

    But you don't need that much energy. It will clunk your deck up and you end up drawing too much energy.
  3. G

    Jumpluff (Masters, Cities)

    Clownshateu2- First off, I came up with this on my own. I never knew this idea even existed other than me. So don't sit here and assume. It makes you look unintelligent. All this was made from scratch, myself. And to everyone else who are actually are giving advice, thank you and I'm not sure...
  4. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! Pinkerton- I'm interested in Mew Prime and DCE. How many DCE Do you have?
  5. G

    Magnezone (cities, masters.)

    Please do not run the dodrio or Shedninja. That's easy prize bait and it has nothing to do with the overall strategy. You should only run 1 Magnazone prime and look into the Lv.X. The Lv.X is a soild card. Your energy should be: 8 Basic Electric 4 Special Metal Giving you a total of 12.
  6. G

    Jumpluff (Masters, Cities)

    Pokemon: 22 4-3-4 Jumpluff (HGSS) 2-2 Honchkrow (SV) 4 Uxie (LA) 2 Unknown Q (MD) 1 Jirachi (SV) T/S/S:29 4 Rare Candy 4 Pokedex 4 Bebe's Search 2 Palmers Contribution 2 Judge 2 PONT 2 Pokemon Communication 2 BTS 2 Quick Ball 2 Expert Belt 1 Collectors 1 Luxury Ball 1...
  7. G

    Magnezone (cities, masters.)

    I have all the things listed. Also, Manetric might be good against a Garchomp matchup. Protect your bench?
  8. G

    Magnezone (cities, masters.)

    Make Electric energy to 14. 17 is overkill. Electivire? Raichu? What is their strategy in the decK? Also you might want to look into Electivire FB X. -4 Energy +3 Rare Candy +1 Uxie +1-1 Electivre FB X maybe? +1 BTS +3 Pokemon Collection
  9. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! The Crippler 18: Hmm.. Pokemon Collector and Machamp Prime? Not sure about the collector also.
  10. G

    What should I play for _________?

    Masters (Cities) I am going to be gong to Cities this weekend and I can't decide on my Absol Chomp or DialgaTank deck. i can give a list for both. Just ask. I'm just not sure what to run. Gyradoes is seeing quite a bit of play in my area.
  11. G

    Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

    RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S CML for Blaziken FB x
  12. G

    OMG I HAVE AZELFS!! I want Arceus stuff!

    RE: I Have.... stuff. XD CML for x3 Jumpluff.
  13. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! UPDATED!
  14. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! FistBumpIt:Sorry No Eevee: Nah.
  15. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! Mlouden: The X's?
  16. G

    Ruling Nidoking Triumphant

    Does Nidokings Triumphants Poke body count for other Nidokings on the field? Thanks!
  17. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! Glaceon: 1 FistBumpIt: Whats the deal again?
  18. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! FistBumpit: As? Mlouden03: Lv.x Gallade, Infernape? Whismical Box: No thank you.
  19. G

    Masters-clintonville Citys. UPDATE (infernape)

    RE: I cant post this in the Fix my deck section, im looking for any help at all, please. I think you should have no mor than 10 energy.
  20. G

    The DARKDUSK Trading Coast!!!! UPDATED! SP ENGINE

    RE: The Purple Trading Coast!! UPDATED! DONPHAN PRIME! El radar: Hmmmm.. I think I will. Do you have any of the primes I listed? Just curious.