• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Magnezone (cities, masters.)


I'm bored
I'm trying to figure out what else to use in this deck. I'm around six cards short of 60. I need your help poke beach! So please help me with my deck? else ill have to run SP at cities.

4-3-4 magnezone(2 prime, 2 SF
1-2-1 Electivire TS
4 spiritomb (league promo)
2-1 Raichu HGSS

T/S/S ~
4x Bebe's Search
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2xInterviewer's Questions
1xBlack Belt
1xUnderground Expedition
1xProfessor Elm's Training Method
1xPalmer's Contribution
1xRare Candy
1xBroken Time-Space
1xPokemon Rescue

Energy ~ 17

Strategy: Use Spiritomb to trainer lock and help set up quicker from the start.
Use Raichu or Steel magnezone SF to attack, And Electric Magnezone SF to regain Energies, and supporters to do this as well, all the while, setting up a magnezone prime on the bench. Then in a situation involving high hp tank, ill pull him out and with energies on other pokemon, hopefully OHKO the pokemon with very high hp. all help is welcome. Thank all for their time.
Make Electric energy to 14. 17 is overkill. Electivire? Raichu? What is their strategy in the decK? Also you might want to look into Electivire FB X.
-4 Energy
+3 Rare Candy
+1 Uxie
+1-1 Electivre FB X maybe?
+1 BTS
+3 Pokemon Collection
oh shoot. i forgot to put my uxie in the deck. 15 energy. do you have rare candys? what is BTS. Electivire and raichu are here to help out with damage.
BTS is Broken Time-Space, a stadium that allows you to evolve the turn you set a pokemon down on the bench.
alright i can proabably get another one then. sorry, i already have one i just didnt get the "BTS"
Okay - 1 2 1 electivire - 2 1 raichu and put in + 1 1 shedninja dv and put in + 2 2 dodrio ud + 1 copy catt

Well dodrio helps you retreat your pokemon you would only hafe to pay one to retreat magnazone and spiritomb would be free retreat. Shedninja's pokebody stops damage and effects to shedninja from any pokemon that hase any poke power or poke bodys. so you can send him to the active postion with magnazone.
I will trade you something for some of thoese shedninja you said you have some more. and any dodrio etc.
Please do not run the dodrio or Shedninja. That's easy prize bait and it has nothing to do with the overall strategy. You should only run 1 Magnazone prime and look into the Lv.X. The Lv.X is a soild card. Your energy should be:
8 Basic Electric
4 Special Metal
Giving you a total of 12.