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  1. Jier

    What should I play for _________?

    depends on what meta you trained against. If you play against another luxchomp specially one with promocroak then you will probably get destroyed. If your vilegar is completely made i'd go with that, its a very nice deck besides for the mirror.
  2. Jier

    What should I play for _________?

    This much is true. I'm running a variation of plume. Testing it before regionals, Hopefully it works on my meta.
  3. Jier

    What should I play for _________?

    If you set up your Plume faster than they can get their gyarados out then you pretty much win, unless they get regice out. Just be faster then them.
  4. Jier

    What should I play for _________?

    Event: Regionals Division: Masters Metagame: Luxchomp/dialga, vilegar, gyarados, sablock. What i can play: gengar SF variations, or pretty much anything that isn't crazy expensive I'm trying to figure out what deck i want to run for regionals. Right now i have a gengar/umbreon...