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  1. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Bagon shouts into the jungle below. Nothing happens. Vulpix blows out the torch that Bagon is holding. Rowlet flies down just below to look into the running river. It doesn't seem deep enough for anything big to be hiding in. Constantly you guys choose to do the thing that I never would have...
  2. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Well, uh, that took a turn. Careful with those giant pictures. :eek: Salandit and Cutiefly carefully light the area around the group. There isn't much to see, the walls are relatively flat with nothing on them of note. The path ahead seems to curve to their right, making it impossible to see...
  3. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Whoops, I fell asleep. :eek: Swablu screams down the passageway. A rumbling can be heard in the distance, but nothing else happens. Spoink pokes her head into the open path, but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. The others follow Bagon down the path. It continues straight for...
  4. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Rowlett tries to push the stone. It doesn't move, and stays stuck in the ground. If you have them, you have them. I don't see the need to argue further. Bagon picks a stick out of the fire. Cutiefly presses the stone down as hard as possible. With effort, it slowly presses into the ground. As...
  5. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Bagon begins pushing the boulder aside. It topples, and rolls off a bit. Underneath is a small stone, seemingly stuck in the ground. Perhaps it can be pushed? How many pockets does your armless chicken have? :o
  6. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Rowlett cries into the cave. Nothing happens. Salandit looks around for Krookodile, but he is still nowhere to be seen. Cutiefly lights up the cave with Dazzling Gleam! Nothing changes, however, a glittering can be seen from the back of the cave. In the brief lingering light, a grey shape can...
  7. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    The group followed the Krookodile outside the cave. He led them back to the area above, where the dolls had... Dissapeared. This was the same mountain top, right? The next mountain before them was still the same. Krookodile headed for it, but instead of heading up the side, he pressed something...
  8. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Good on ya Jade. I just didn't get notified for it then.
  9. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    ^ I'd personally consider one-shot bosses an escalation, not a slowing down. :U Also Prof Light is revived. Idk if/why nobody did that, but I guess I'll just force it here because I'm wondering if thats why she stopped talking. Also, the next update requires a scene change, that's why I didn't...
  10. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Tbh I'm actually nocturnal, so this is kinda my morning. Also hotel computers suck. Krookodile doesn't seem to hear. Krookodile scratches his head. "Many. Many. Moons. Have passed. The length... Not clear. The weather... Cold, yes." He almost seemed to laugh. Krookodile tunrs toward Klink...
  11. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Updates have been off 'cause I underestimated how tiring a full day of flight can be. Will update in the morning, so be sure to get those actions in.
  12. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Krookodile slowly stands back upright. "Blue one. Talks. Too much." Krookodile shakes his head slightly. "I. Know. Nothing. Of this. 'Enemy.'" Krookodile shifts his gaze over toward Cutiefly. "Mountain?" His gaze softens a bit, and he scratches his head. "Are you. After. The treasure?"...
  13. Keeper of Night

    I'm going to be starting a new collection before the end of the year. Anybody have any cool...

    I'm going to be starting a new collection before the end of the year. Anybody have any cool suggestions of coats from movie/game characters?
  14. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    One by one the other Pokemon began responding to the Krookodile. His stance never wavered, but he didn't seem intent to attack. As he slowly shifted further inside the cave, he still didn't speak another word. He seemed to be judging them. Or perhaps he was simply curious? Vulpix, either...
  15. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Klink slowly approaches the Krookodile, who simply stares at him. Maybe it didn't hear the question, or simply ignored it. But, then he spoke. Or, maybe it was more of a snarl. But the words came slowly and deliberately. "Who. Are. You?"
  16. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    The group of Pokemon, seeming to get smaller by the hour, abandoned the puzzle in front of them. They didn't have time for this, the sun was moving across the sky and they had to continue their trek. The peak of the mountain was their destination. They decided to leave the cave. As they turned...
  17. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Usually, and this may just be me, a compass has a single needle that points both North and South, that's all I meant by that statement. The needle was indicating that the back of the cave was South. There's really nothing further to read into it. Cutiefly examines the note further. But, unlike...
  18. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    I understood, uh, none of that. The back of the cave, the wall opposite the entrance, is being indicated by the compass as "S" or south.
  19. Keeper of Night

    Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

    Duskull picks up the compass. He recognizes the design of the case, it's very similar to the one they had found before in the forest. However, the inside seems pretty standard. No numbers, just the letters N, S, E, and, W to indicate direction. Duskull, facing the back of the cave, sees the...